Cops fulfill the will of the cops, which is often parallel to the will of the state, but not necessarily so. Take a look at any city where the mayor or council tries to change the culture and behavior of the police.
Cops fulfill the will of the cops, which is often parallel to the will of the state, but not necessarily so. Take a look at any city where the mayor or council tries to change the culture and behavior of the police.
Members of the law enforcement system will always place what’s good for law enforcement ahead of what’s good for the people they are ostensibly meant to serve and protect. Cops will always put cops ahead of civilians. They will always put cops ahead of law or order.
Counterpoint: Disney’s Ghibli subs are really good.
Yeah, that Barsanti sets it up in those terms presents some pretty problematic gender politics alone.
Let’s not go overboard here. Jolie didn’t do much special with that film, particularly after they’re taken off the life boat. Prior to that, it shows a touch of the Coens zip and verve, and some of the aerial stuff is pretty good, but everything after that runs the gamut from dour to treacly.
Sprang Break 4evaaaaaah
Pretty sure we elected a predator anyways.
Good username-comment synergy.
I like how the healdine says something that the body of the article doesn’t. Very clever approach to writing.
Boxcar Children but they live in, like, a Brooklyn shipping container or something.
Server clearly should have pulled a gun and made the spiller empty their wallet.
You think spilling wine on someone is equivalent to knocking people down on the street? What the fuck?
I barely look at Stories or videos.
Your third wish is to make a human centipede?
Hey, where’s the jagoff who was complaining about Latinx the other day? They’re gonna HATE that MW added it.
lol nike exists for one purpose: to enhance Nike shareholder value
Not to mention that the two biggest acting cities in America are also incredibly expensive to live in.
As a Presbyterian minister, and as someone whose passion was the welfare of children, I think being canonized by the Roman Catholic Church might have been, ah, something he’d be opposed to.
Or a barbecue.