
My god, this changes everyth[dies of boredom]

where i get those baby headphones tho

And just to remind everyone how deep and wide these kinds of things run... this is a city with an entirely Democrat City Council (that is 47% Black, 12% Latina, and 47% White), with a Black mayor who has served for over 10 years.

Former CPPA President:

Why doesn’t the cop just go through their usual channels of resolving conflicts and shoot the hamburger?

And Ginny landed on Mrs. Maisel.

You’re gonna want to take another look at that math, champ.

Mmmm, there’s a fine distinction there.

This isn’t about rich old white men. Johannson is a producer on this film. She’s the one making these decisions.

What’s that got to do with you?

Dub? Sub? I say “Feh!”

Why are you getting so pissy about what other people like?

Spike Lee angrily tweets the address of Dilated Peoples.

In Soviet Denmark, house rocks the you!

Not to mention a few seasons of SNL.

Met one of my city’s higher-profile NFL players while working at a theater. He was coming to see a play written by someone he’d gone to college with. I actually think he was relieved to be somewhere where he didn’t have to be On All the Time. It wasn’t until I took his credit card to pay for his ticket that I realized

Yeah but 75% of the dialogue in Akira is “TETSUOOOOOOOOOOO!”