
Is there something other than the slightly increased risk of Schizophrenia and Autism? Because that hardly classifies as mutant or fucked up.

I think gender segregated classes are a great idea.

Whenever a study comes out that finds something people don’t like, they harshly criticize the methods. When they agree with the findings, criticism goes out the window. I thought you would be more balanced in your approach.

I don’t understand. Why do you think it’s difficult to sleep with guys? Most men aren’t that selective, especially in college.

I thought the standards would not change to meet women, but women would work to meet the standard. Is there going to be a decline in the overall quality of the military personnel?

Motherfuck Game of Thrones.

The problem is that Elephants can’t pleasure themselves.

That is exactly what the fuck I (black guy) said.

I think it’s simpler than that. If you’re a black man, the police think you’re black and are therefore more likely to fuck with you. So you better integrate that into your person so you can deal with the police appropriately (with fear, lots and lots of fear).

Obama is black by white people rules (one drop). As it stands, white people’s rules are everyone’s rules in America.

In an idea world, of course. But in this cruel one, if you are interested in staying alive and unraped, the more effective way is to protect yourself. It only takes 1 person irresponsible enough to rape/murder you, and 100% of people being good. You protecting yourself takes only you. You have a much higher chance if

That is not true at all. Where is the data that proves this? Isn’t men working longer hours than women part of the reason that men on average make more money?

I love superhero movies (I’m dying for May to get here so I can see Captain America: Civil War - holy shit, motherfucking Black Panther in the house), and I can’t wait to go see deadpool mix it up.

Love that.

Jesus, it must be getting tiring hearing of all the shit women HAVE TO do.

Quick question. Anyone have any experience with Crystal Methamphetamine?

The incidence of female death from domestic violence was about 1 in 100,000 in 2015. There are other things you interact with that are far more likely to kill you.

Is this about him specifically, or men in general. Because he was mentally ill. Probably had more to do with the murder than the rejection.

This is not remotely the same thing. This is a man with documented medical illness and a previous suicide attempt killing a woman he knew. Tragic, but not even in the same world as an honor killing.