
What strikes me about "Parks" sentimentality is that it's honest sentiment. Like the best Frank Capra movies. The cast and crew and writers obviously loved that show, and they welcomed you into the world to love it, too. So I couldn't help it.

"Parks" is one of my pantheon shows, along with "Cheers" and "MASH." I feel like a slightly better, richer person for having watched it, which is how great art should make you feel.

"Parks" is one of the few sitcoms I might consider buying on DVD, if there were enough special features to make it worthwhile. "The Simpsons" is the other. But in general I just don't feel like I need a comedy series on my DVD shelf the way I do a lot of dramas.

Yeah, I didn't mind Jamm as an occasional roadblock for Leslie (LOVED his appearance in this season's Ron & Tammy episode), but making him essentially THE antagonist of Season 5 made it drag. He just wasn't funny or interesting enough.

For me, it's 3 > 2 > 4 > 7 > 6 > 5 > 1. And the finale may push 7 ahead of 4.

NBC's treatment of Scrubs was baffling. It was actually a successful show that was relatively well-liked critically, and they seemed to be actively trying to kill it. It wasn't Friends, but they'd kill for the ratings it was pulling now.

Glad I read this, as I have zero awareness of The Voice and would've turned my TV on at 8 p.m. to a lot of confusion.

I sort of, kind of, understand the feverish need of Johnson's old aides - who have seen the film - to protect his legacy. I don't agree with it and it's especially nutty and reactionary in this case, but I look at it in the context of far more negative portrayals of Johnson in other media, not to mention those idiots

I don't feel like it was a better-directed movie than "Birdman," "Boyhood," or "Grand Budapest." Should Ana DuVernay have been in the best director field over the guys from "Foxcatcher" or "Imitation Game"? Yeah, probably. Would she have been if she were a white dude? Yeah, probably. But it's hard for me to feel

This is what I love about "Parks." It's like a big warm blanket I can just wrap myself in. It and "Cheers" are often on constant streaming in the background, so I can just absorb the jokes through osmosis and roll around in their worlds.

This is how I feel about it. I would've preferred Grand Budapest or Boyhood, but I can't work up any outrage for Birdman winning. It felt like a movie that existed for some other purpose than to win Oscars, and Michael Keaton and Alejandro González Iñárritu seemed to have actual passion for the project, so I'll take

I hated hipsters before it was popular.

My first thought after reading this was, "Lee Daniels is the guy who's going to end up doing the Pryor biopic? Oh God, oh God, oh God, please no."

I cannot fathom the existence of a teenage boy who understands how bras are fitted. The men I dated in my 20s and now 30s barely understood how cup sizes worked.

He ran a sports arena in "Mr. Sunshine," yeah.

Chris Brody: Karate Assassin is a Homeland spin-off waiting to happen.

The novel is one of my favorites, and I love the film, even if it does transplant the story to America and make various other changes. It's probably my favorite "romantic comedy," which says something about me as a person I don't want to think about too much.

It seems like he spent enough time with the Afghan militias to do a decent job with the details. From this read, the problems are more in establishing a strong character voice for the individual, not so much writing through an Afghani, and a new author probably would've had those issues with an American character,

I'd probably have never bothered to watch Al-Jazeera if I hadn't seen the doc "Control Room" awhile back. I seek it out pretty frequently now.

Tina Fey is my ideal fantasyland pick, but I'm not sure she'd do it.