
I read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone for a freshman-year college course in about 2000.

Just gonna echo the first paragraph of this.

Yeah, I think he's in a slightly different class than Scorsese who (much as I like his movies) seems incapable of crafting a female character outside very specific, masculine-view tropes. There are great female characters in Spielberg movies, but they're usually supporting.

Yeah, I do NOT get it. I can't stand Especial, but Negra Modelo is one of my favorite easily-accessible Mexican beers. That said, I do feel like Especial is more common here (though both are usually available at your average Phoenix gas station). Maybe because it's lighter and that seems to be what we've come to

I paid to see "Wild Wild West" in a theater. I don't think there's any topping that. At least it was a matinee.

The weird Native American stuff with Jane Krakowski on 'Kimmy Schmidt' makes me cringe in all the wrong ways, but I think you're right that she's better at writing the black/white dynamic. She's maybe the only writer who's ever used Tracy Morgan well and Titus' stuff is always really sharp (that episode where he

Female Ryder is by far the worst case of Weird Face on the default version of her. And she IS indefensibly Weird Face, I can't deny it. An alt-female face and male Ryder aren't that bad, and the other characters don't suffer from more Bioware face than normal.

Netflix's strategy of first episodes where NOTHING FREAKIN' HAPPENS is kind of brilliant, because I'm not sure I'd have continued with this if there had been any kind of resolution or plot. I just kind of let this roll zen-ly onto like three in one sitting, as it was.

I watched his Colbert interview the day after the election and cried like a kid. I get why he didn't run. But, oh, what might have been.

Eww John Edwards.

I live in Arizona, and go back and forth from hating McCain, to grudgingly respecting McCain, to kind of liking McCain, to kind of hating him again in the space of an average week. I usually land on grudging respect combined with a feeling his time has passed, but knowing we'll get something MUCH WORSE whenever he's

Does this mean Trump and Pence will be f'ing each other in the final season? Because I don't want to see that anymore than I wanted to see Dukat and Winn.


I find The Wire immensely satisfying to rewatch. Maybe not every season (the 4th is tough) but revisiting the first especially has made me pick up little details and appreciate the craft of it even more. All the pieces matter.

Very little of 'Hamilton' isn't digestible through the cast recording, because it's so very much a sung show. There are a few exceptions, like the scene regarding the death of John Laurens, but that's the only big one I'm aware of. It's not really comparable to a musical with a handful of big numbers. The recording

It's coming to Phoenix (Tempe, technically) next year as well. From what I gather it's getting a pretty standard nationwide tour for a Broadway Across America show. It's getting out in the world a heck of a lot faster than most big-ticket shows (took years for 'Book of Mormon' and 'The Lion King' to come to my town).

I still find it fun to play, but the story actually becomes more incoherent every time through, rather than less.

Of all the things I'd like to call Chris Christie, SJW is not among them.

American Gods doesn't have to light the world on fire to be a success by Starz standards. I think it'll do as well or better than Outlander, and that seems to be in line with their expectations.

I watched the first season and a bit of the second and, I have to admit, its popularity baffles me. Not that it's successful, but the MOST SUCCESSFUL CABLE SHOW EVER scale of it. I didn't even think it was bad, and the zombie attacks were often well-staged, I just couldn't get interested in any of the characters and