
If they paired him with Samantha Bee and did the husband/wife thing, it might be OK. Might.

"The Wire" actually was my intro to Steve Earle (his version of the theme song is one of season five's redeeming qualities). I've listened to more of his work since, but I'll definitely be using the primer to go more into it.

"Harry Potter," "Twilight" and "The Hunger Games" were crazy popular with real junior high/high school age kids. I volunteered at a library that did an all-night "read-in" of the final HP book, and it was packed with high school kids. A school a friend of mine worked at did "Hunger Games" events in English because

People do not read anything nearly as much as they claim to read once
they lose the downtime that comes with being in school, even people who
buy a ton of books. I've got a shameful backlog on my shelves and on my
eReader. I probably manage a couple books a month, many of which are popular fiction because they read

The term "legitimization" makes me cringe. There's very little difference between the type of reader who picked up "The Goldfinch" or "Gone Girl" or "The Hunger Games," as much as lit snobs would like to think there is. This is all popular fiction of a certain genre (if you don't think literary fiction is a very

Does anyone watch this? I hatewatched the pilot with a friend and it was horrible and ridiculous but boring, so we didn't stick with it.

I've missed these recaps!

And Review and Amy Schumer. Comedy Central is one of a a handful of cable channels I actually watch regularly.

Yeah, she was actually given funny stuff to do and did it with aplomb. I'm hoping 'moar girls' means she'll be even more prominent in the sequel, and that she'll get a sorority girl nemesis to play off of, like Rogen did Zefron in "Neighbors" proper.

It didn't do super at the Emmys last year, but it did get one for stunt work, which really pleased me. The show does great physical comedy and all the actors are physically plausible as cops when they have to be. I do feel like it's trying harder stuff than most comedies, and the fact that it hits them without

"A Beautiful Mind" is terrible, and it's one of the few terrible prestige movies where I've never encountered an actual defender of it. I'm sure they exist on the Internet, but in life I have never met these people. It's not as hated as something like "Crash," but it is damn bad.

There's totally a way to view "Mom" as a Badger spin-off.

This series only works for me because I view him as the villain.

Henry grew up to love America when he finally made a friend who let him play with his Atari.

Wow, I also didn't recognize him at first.

It's better than Taco Bell. I'm still baffled that people think it's particularly great. But I also live in the southwest, where there's a sketchy taqueria on every corner, so I'm spoiled for Mexican options.

Yeah, I'm unsure how to feel about this. Lee could have published all the books she wanted after the success of "To Kill a Mockingbird." Whatever her reasons for not doing so were, and whatever I think of those reasons, she ultimately has a right to dictate what happens to her work. I'd like to believe she's

I guess it skews "younger" simply by having a teenage protagonist in the bat suit, but content-wise it one-upped even The Animated Series in places. It reminds me of an interview I read with the "Party of Five" creators, how they'd get weird requests from the FOX brass and try to turn them into something creative and

I'd like to see him take a crack at Batman: Beyond.

It depends on how you're qualifying the expense. I have a gaming laptop, which wasn't cheap, but it was also my desktop replacement for all my other computing needs. Meanwhile, I haven't bought a console since the original Wii, and I still can't justify the cost.