
A friend of mine in college wore a hijab but was pretty liberal in a lot of ways (we met in a campus women's rights group). She stuck with it for family/cultural reasons (if you grow up around people wearing them, it just seems normal). She also had a lot of opinions about Americanized standards of beauty (the

This movie was deeply fucked up. Needless to say, I adored it when I was a kid, and still adore it today.

Do not mock the eight-track, man. The sound is just better, and sounds so much warmer. I feel more in touch with the MUSIC when playing it on my eight-track. This is where everyone is going to be in a year, mark my words.

FNL amazes me, because the show actually did two arguably better just-in-case-we're-cancelled-series finales ("State" in S1 and "Tomorrow Blues" in S3), and yet "Always" is still glorious. I think of the three written-as-finales I prefer "Tomorrow Blues," but they're all easily Top 10 FNL episodes.

Yeah, I actually really don't like where this column ended up. I don't agree that an emotional argument should automatically trump a researched argument that engages with the idea of moderation being a positive thing and good intentions having harmful results being possible, and I don't think the presence of research

My first thought when reading this is, "I would SO much rather see a Romana spin-off than a female Doctor."

Yeah. And I'm really unclear what exactly they were "selling out." It's not like they're a punk band who had some sort of hard-core indie cred. They're pop artists who wrote mainstream guitar rock and wanted to do so. Unless you're the kind of person who considers the very existence of these bands "selling out"

Same, I only noticed it this morning. Though I watch time-shifted, so it doesn't matter to me.

Cookie's polarizing? She's the one interesting character on this show to me. Love her, and her cheetahs-as-dresses. Yeah, she's turned allllllllllllllllllllll the way up to 11, but so is the show. She's just doing it in a way that's consistently fun.

I attribute a lot of this to the show constantly being a bubble renewal. The show kept giving itself happy endings, in case NBC was going to declare it ended.

Ben Affleck for "Daredevil"? Though I think that was more of a passion project he was involved with than role-begging. And it's not like that ended well for anyone.

It's always amused/horrified me that the film that plays to the French involvement in American independence most appropriately is the otherwise terrible Mel Gibson movie, "The Patriot."

Did "Turn" get better? I tuned out after three episodes, which I found pretty plodding, and I was frustrated that it was sucking everything I found interesting about the actual Culper Ring out of the story ("George Washington's Secret Six" is one of the more fun non-fiction books I've read in awhile). I felt like I

I cringe every time I read "person of colour" for this reason. It's even worse to me, because it's applied as a blanket term to every person who isn't white. I feel like this is going to be one of those terms we are all - rightfully - embarrassed to have pushed as socially acceptable in five years.

Loved Bev. Her presence served as an answer to a lot of this sort of criticism of the show in early Season 2 because of how well she was used…and then she was murderized.

Oh God, the school shooting episode.

First-person inevitably kind of makes me want to puke. There are some games that are good enough for me to put up with it by playing for shorter stints (the "Bioshock" series comes to mind), but still in all. That's not fun.

Sigh, Michael Moore.

I am…curious about the Courtney Love appearance. So far, "Empire" is exactly the kind of wonderful trash I like, and she falls on the other end of my trash spectrum. Hopefully she's entertaining.

I cried, too. First time "Parks" has done that to me in ages.