
Yeah, it's an insufferable alpha-male environment in high-end, competitive kitchens, and any comedy that was REALLY based on the Bourdain book would've had to go there. The British comedy, "Chef," actually portrayed this really well without the show itself being sexist.

Nick Offerman and Amy Poehler are treasures. They'll do good work after this, I know, but these episodes have served as a reminder that these characters are going away forever soon, and that makes my face very sad. It's time, and they seem to be sending it out in good order (last season just felt tired, this one

As a kid, I was so impressed with The 7th Guest. It was the first game with that kind of "live" acting in it that I'd played. I downloaded it about a year ago, when it popped up on Amazon, and was amazed at how terrible the acting was. Faust at least is still creepy.

"And I Dreamt I was an Architect" off Castaways & Cutouts made me a fan, and is still probably the song I return to most, even if they made better whole albums than their first one.

I adore "Hazards." I listen to other tracks off other albums more, but it's the only one I'm often compelled to listen to as a whole. But then, I'm a sucker for dark fairy tales.

Most people are surprisingly reactionary about anything outside their comfort zone, even if they'd like to think they're tolerant and informed. This cuts across all political persuasions, races, and creeds more than we'd like to think, I find. We craft bubbles of reality for ourselves to live in, and defend against

I'm not a fan of the panel format. It plays into the worst tendencies of the current events shows stuff like this ideally mocks, in that it's too easy for it to degenerate into what it's making fun of. This is what ultimately killed my interest in "Politically Incorrect," even before I acquired my current level of

I also had this game. I'd completely forgotten about it until now, but I remember the image of Not Gowron/Kavok yelling at the screen on the empty Enterprise bridge vividly.

I'm seeing the acronym "POC" pop up here and there, and I always think, "In 5 or 10 years, everyone who ever used this is going to be so deeply ashamed and should be ashamed now."

Iron Bull is maybe the best role of his career.

I figured they're getting the gimme renewals out of the way. I'm a little surprised "New Girl" and "Sleepy Hollow" weren't announced with them, though I'm sure both will be back. The rest of FOX is a dumpster fire.

I'm hoping John Cho will be back next season in some form now that "Selfie" is dead (pouring out a 40 and all, but I'd rather have him back on "Sleepy Hollow").

I keep hoping Taraji P. Henson kills him and makes a dress out of his skin, like she clearly did to that poor cheetah.

I was cautiously optimistic when the show as moved to Sunday, but it's worked out way better than I expected. I'm afraid it would've died an ignominious death on Tuesdays with "New Girl" and "Mindy."

Yeah, she definitely requires the Not Atrocious For Glee caveat, but I guess I was less eh about that than Beiste because at least Unique had been established as someone potentially questioning her gender.

They had, in theory, transgender representation with Unique, and I actually thought that was explored in Not Atrocious For Glee ways (apart from the regrettable catfishing). That character has been eradicated along with the rest of the attempts at the old new cast, though, so…this is a thing they did to make sure

RE: Fifth, yep, which I thought at the time was decent characterization, and a decent representation of a woman who owned herself as a woman in a not-traditional way. You can be a butch girl, world! It's OK! Guess it wasn't, oh well, such is "Glee." I would've preferred they'd just continued to deal with

The only role I have to judge him on where he got to use his native accent was as the himbo in "Undeclared," where he was pretty good. Hell of a lot more charismatic and comfortable, which seemed to stem directly from getting to talk like himself. That was before "Sons of Anarchy," though. He has never sounded good

What I admire about "Boyhood" is more and admiration of luck than anything else. It was a project that could've fallen apart at any time for 1,000 reasons, the crap-shoot that is child casting probably first among them, but turned out really well. "Harry Potter" pulled off the same trick. It just randomly happened

This is why I've always preferred to relationship system you have with your companions in the ME series to DA1 and 2, and was happy to hear they were doing away with the Approval bar for DA:1 (haven't played it, don't know how that was implemented). It made things feel more fluid and organic in ME, and not the "If