Cici Whales

I'm 30 and until today I had thought I had accomplished a reasonable number of things in life to be proud about. I've got a good job, good marriage and friends, and I try to help out in the community.

"Draw me like one of your French xenomorphs!"

This is the video I never knew my life was missing. He's the best.

How about one normal nipple and one that's winking?

I'm reading "Strong is the New Skinny", but all I hear in my head is, "Now you have to skinny but with the correct amount of muscle definition."

Jebus, I depressed myself with that comment.

Um, the camera isn't steady, meaning that someone is holding it. Meaning I would like to apply for the job Shower Photographer as soon as possible.

Oh my god, you can't just ask people why they're white!

All day long:

And that's why they invented LED tea lights!

That was from the Canadian locale, not the US.

If Google let us create and customize our own Gmail tabs, the feature would be better.

Yay, random Hitchhiker references!

FTA: "The process consisted in three steps starting with the extraction of aroma compounds by hydrothermal treatment of SCG, followed by the fermentation of this extract supplemented with sucrose to ethanol, and the fermented broth distillation."


I want this for adults. Except instead of candy, you get tiny bottles of vodka and other assorted 'encouragements'.

Yes, yes, we see that you watch all of the anime. Claim your prize at the door.

Loved it as a kid, love it now as a 33-year-old. It's a spectacular book and there really aren't religious overtones. I think you're reading too much into the fact that Madeline L'Engle writes other books which are religiously themed. Her science fiction books are pretty straight up science fiction. The one exception

I would take this assignment. I want to see how someone gives birth with their head completely up their own ass.

Hey!! they are not supposed to move