Cici Whales

No way, pollen is tree jizz! (which is why I refer to pollen season as "tree bukake") Maple syrup is tree blood.

Worst part was having to scroll back up to close the thread...and then realizing afterwards that there's a "collapse conversation" button at the bottom.

I was just coming here to say "out of her range" so +1 to what you said.

This sounds like it would have been written by the fuckhead 32 year old I dated when I was 20. Just trying to trick the world into thinking that he was the bigger person letting me "spread my wings and soar from his outstretched loving hands" *wretching noises*

As am American, I'm just coming here to say I love poutine forever. (But it might be in my blood or something since my great great grandparents immigrated to Maine from Canada).

I still do! DC Rollergirls. :)

Derby? Where did you skate?


So I ended up on IMDB looking at Troy Dryer's bio, and came across this:

All I know is, I can't lie. I actually want all of those wigs. All of them.

Oh wait, and wig #5: Vegas Show Eagle wig.

Kate, you missed Wig #4: the wig you wear when you're a snake sanctuary statue.

Agreed. It's a super silly video. Absolutely Wack-a-doo but hilariously so.

Thank you, I was coming here to say that.


I 100% agree! I totally want the Rainbo ones to wear over tights for roller derby.

I heard a DJ mix he posted online and fell in love with him then had my heart crushed when I later found out he was married. A few years down the line we both ended up single and now we've been together 6 years and married for one.

Agreed. I was just listening to this thinking "wow, this song is a lot more rapey than I realized." It seems like an entire song about getting a woman black out drunk so she'll have sex.

You're not wrong. It's actually the back up singers voices that get to me. One of them sounds flat to me.