Cici Whales

I think it's hilarious and awesome now (totally love my dad). As a teenager, not so much. I should also mention that my parents also set up a Barney nightlight in my bathroom during a sleep over in the third grade when Barney was SO uncool. Now, very funny. Then? Mortifying.

I loathed the BSB when I was a teenager. My father picked up on this and bought the CD that had "Everybody" on it and like to use it to rouse me out of bed on the weekends when he thought I'd been sleeping too long. He would blare it and then try to do the Frankenstein marionette dance from the video but it came out

My other question with the watch would be "how do you set it?" I would hate to have to get my wrist cut open twice a year for daylight savings time. However, if they do something with pressure sensitive switches or something, including some sort of stop watch or timing device would be amazing! There are a lot of

I have a friend who actually moved to China to teach. He confirmed that this is regular practice out there.

OMG VIDEO WITH A WOMAN?! THAT MUST MEAN SHE NEEDS TO BE A SEX POT! God forbid anyone should put a video of a woman on the internet unless she's wearing a push-up bra and fuck-me heels.

I actually have a friend and an uncle that win at these games with regularity (they'll just get bored and decide to go win some toys and then give them to people). I've seen them both do it and I have no idea what their strategies are. With one of them, I know he goes to specific machines so maybe that has something

That was my first thought too.

Addition to 6D: if you're going to gossip, gossip to the right person.

When my fiance's father passed away, his widow specifically said "please don't be nice to me or I'll cry." Instead, I spent as much time as I could talking with her about other things that I could think of or making light of the things around me (not his death, but the world at large). When she would get upset, I

I wish more artists would sample early 90s house music. It makes me so happy.

Good call on Time Traveler's Wife. I bawl my ever loving eyes out every single time I read that book.

Holy crap. If I have girls some day, I'm totally hiring a birthday party princess. Hell, I'm hiring one if I have boys...and maybe batman too.

The FBI seemed to think just about everyone was a communist in the 50s and 60s.

What about hills?

I've found nothing that works better than sleep and blowfish:

They're not hypocrites on everything, just in their attitudes towards the young and affluent.

Thirded. I never thought it was supposed to be sexual.

It's a popular horror theme but the king story was where I first read it.

It's in one of his short collections.

Stephen King wrote a story a while ago about some guy that was bitten by a spider with some sort of venom that shut down all the systems but the nervous system. He was then put through an autopsy unable to move or cry out or stop it in any way. That would be the worst way to die for me, being cut open by a bone saw