My most bizzare subs have been made because its items from the same range/brand. Its like, "well, just because i wanted a Tesco Finest Soup does not in any way mean i wanted a Tesco Finest Paella".
My most bizzare subs have been made because its items from the same range/brand. Its like, "well, just because i wanted a Tesco Finest Soup does not in any way mean i wanted a Tesco Finest Paella".
I love a good Tesco sub.
one of my fave eps of Masterchef had this exchange.
I'm a 29yr old female working in the UK, and in the last year I've had the following pieces of advice:
I never had a pro0blem with ammo... but i'm a serial looter. I cannot leave any zone without every potential crevice and tiny mailbox unturned.
Please tell me thertre are some of Tina on clips from The Walking Dead...
I am indeed. I am also a fan of Hannibal. And Mayor Wilkins in Buffy.
I believe the members of The Oceanic Six met through Harry Potter fan music. Hahahaha
When i was about 18 (in the UK, its all good), I went to a club night at a really tiny bar with limited drink choices. I dont like beer, I cannot deal with wine hangovers, so i'm usually a straight up spirits and mixers girl.
Oh god. Yeah i'm not sure i'd ever have beans in a hotel... too much chance of them waiting on a counter top and developing up a skin :/
Cold? The only way I can imagine eating cold baked beans is in the apocalypse.
I have pretty good eyebrows and don't feel the need to do mine daily, but this stuff is amazing if you're going "full face" or have a patchy brow! Looks SO natural!
Hmmm i haven't tried leaving it in... But the stuff is great!
You are good people.
Past Lives from her Warrior album was one of the best songs i heard last year.
YES! I always explain to people that rats are most like little dogs. They are excited to see me, they are trainable, and they are smart.
To be fair, Rats need to chew - they have to wear down their teeth, like rabbits. So yes, wild ones will eat pretty much anything.