This news is killing me. God i love the Boosh, but can you imagine dealing with this nonsense while undergoing a baking emergency?
This news is killing me. God i love the Boosh, but can you imagine dealing with this nonsense while undergoing a baking emergency?
I read this as her knowing the players. She knew Jon would do everything to protect the men under his charge. She knew Ramseys men were disposable. By not revealing the Vale forces, Ramsey threw everything at Jon certain of winning. Jon would have used all the forces together to play a stronger hand to end with as few…
The funniest thing was him running in with the picture of them smooching going “Hey Grandpa!Thought you’d like to see the latest news!”
Embarrassed actually :D
I really liked this episode. I’m a big believer that your 20's are made in those moments where you have a wake up call and learn to put aside your ego, and nothing but that moment of clarity can make it change. People can tell you that you have made a bad decision, and it just makes you did your heels in out of pride…
We are not alone! This happened to us at university.
I miss when masterchef had such classics as “Sausage three-ways” or “A burst of pea flavour”.
You have no idea how big a deal #BinGate was to us Brits...
Hah. “Blow me” said by an older English person usually means “Blow me down” - which kind of means you are surprised. http://www.worldwidewords.org/qa/qa-blo6.htm
It pretty much already is a kids TV show in the UK...
I’ve just always thought that it would be super rude if someone stayed at my place, and i had to wash their sex sheets after they left.
Still not as good as this one (For any non brits, Thomas the Tank Engine is a beloved childhood show about a cartoon train)
I was SO with Rick on hunting down the cannibals. We've already seen what happens when even one member of an opposing force walks away . I was litterally screaming "AGREE WITH HIM MAGGIE. THINK ABOUT YOUR DAD "
My most bizzare subs have been made because its items from the same range/brand. Its like, "well, just because i wanted a Tesco Finest Soup does not in any way mean i wanted a Tesco Finest Paella".
I love a good Tesco sub.
one of my fave eps of Masterchef had this exchange.
I'm a 29yr old female working in the UK, and in the last year I've had the following pieces of advice:
I never had a pro0blem with ammo... but i'm a serial looter. I cannot leave any zone without every potential crevice and tiny mailbox unturned.