
Seems appropriate. If you buy mouse-shaped nuggets, on some deep psychological level, you must wish to eat mice.

i have lost the ability to even.....

You thought the house was impressive? Check out this hospital:

I say this is even better!

This girl should be happier, she has Hello Kitty on her eyes. You finally got everything you wanted! You can basically die now and know it wasn't all for naught.

"Substantial penalty for early withdrawal"

I suggest a deep fried apple pie as the buns, and between it, a deep fried ice cream sundae.

"Way too much pie" isn't a thing.

The idea of throwing a whole WEDDING - that probably cost thousands of dollars - before you've even asked your partner to marry them?! I'm glad it worked out for them, but it boggles my mind.

From "a little too daring" to "a little too darling."

No, it means you are firmly planted in reality.

Mike's Hard Lemonade, unofficial beverage of "To catch a Predator"

Whoever chose that backdrop deserves a punch to the throat.

Like Baskin Robins, but pumped full of middle-aged sexual frustration.

Down there.

No blush wine? If I recall, the main character blushed, flushed and was nonplussed throughout most of the book.

I think they really missed an opportunity to have a pinot grigio called "Fifty Shades of Grigio."

There are not enough bottles of wine in the world to make her books readable.

He is just a Nice Gorilla, you guys.