I heard it's not just donkey balls, they also cherish (with their mouths) the small, succulent balls of hamsters. Cuz Jesus!
I heard it's not just donkey balls, they also cherish (with their mouths) the small, succulent balls of hamsters. Cuz Jesus!
"Let's go with Nacho Fresh today, Bertie. I'm feeling fancy."
One of the best reasons to have children is so you can fuck with 'em. At least as far as I'm concerned it is.
And you can move freely, and there's legroom and outlets and questionable wifi. Until we get luxury dirigibles, trains are my favorite. (Although I don't drive.)
Yes! By building a doctrine around this "feminine genius" idea, it puts us on a pedestal (so special!) without giving us a greater role in church leadership (what we actually want). Not buying it.
I think the boy is Theon Greyjoy, but I could be wrong...
I'm with you. His statement boils down to the classic "separate-but-equal." I am appreciative of his statements regarding gays and abortion. I cannot, however, get behind a statement that assumes there is something different about the way female Catholics interact with God that makes them (used to be "us") unqualified…
My grandma afghan is rainbow stripes with white in between, and it's at least 20 years old. I swear to God it looks as pristine as the day she made it and I wash it a lot. It must be some special Grandma magic.
Yes. Sadly.
Oh, it is. The women in our family live a really long time, despite the booze/cigarettes/bacon issues we all seem to have.
hahahaha love this! Our granny's for the win.
Ted is definitely the worst part of that show. Always going on and on and onnnnnn about finding his soulmate, then behaving like Barney solidly for an entire season. He's also sooo dull. He should, on paper, be my soulmate (I'M A REALLY GOOD WINE TASTER TOO, TED! I ALSO LIKE DAD JOKES AND KNOW A FEW DANTE QUOTES!) but…
On one hand, great. On the other, its sad this even had to be settled in a court and it took a lawsuit for the school to properly start addressing sexual assault. I really hope the survivors received a large sum.
This is all I have to say about basketball teams and women's colleges.
*reads post*
I admit, I was having a bit of fun with your comment :) But at the same time, I think that we sometimes need to strive for overrepresenting demographics that are routinely marginalized and seen as an anathema to "ideal beauty". Showing more models of color won't prevent white women from buying clothes (seriously, who…
Such a great song. As someone who doesn't really fit in anywhere, I've always had a soft spot for the Great Gonzo. Weirdos Unite!
This is fantastic for all sorts of reasons . . .
. . . not least that Manny Pacquiao seems to have scored a great job at PBS!
I was worried after that last knockout.