
Wait, these are cool again? Summer of '99 is coming back! Time for everyone to bare their belly and wear handkerchief tops with bell-bottoms!


Ha! I would have instantly made you my work BFF if you did this at my workplace.

I think we can all agree that this is infinity better than being completely forgettable. You love the people you love, obviously, but who doesn't love an enemy as well? So much better than a person who is the 'meh' of human beings.

Hahahahaha, there's always a silver lining! I probably wouldn't have gotten freaked out but then I have a cat. Not that I would want to eat his litter ofc, but your treat thing sounds really yummy.

She might be doing the old two-pairs-of-Spanx trick.

I'd like a good shot of it. because I am digging the tights. Christina and Winona have better shoes though.

My mom was an amateur ballet dancer and had two kids within less than two years (three in all)- her whole body went back to pre-pregnancy shape every time within less than two months even though she didn't start "serious" training again until about four months later (I saw the pictures- it's almost surreal). She

There's more than one way to eat a rhesus.

Don't do it in Florida, though.

I'm going to channel my inner Family Feud contestant: "Good answer! Good answer! Good answer!" [lots of clapping and jumping up and down]

herpes-infected non-native primates

I'm against the death penalty because mostly people abuse it. See: America and how many black men are on death row. And the mentally retarded man they executed after the courts determined him to be incapable of comprehending what he had done. Or the various killings in various countries for religious crap.

Yep, same here. I won't shed a single tear for them.


Yep, me too. My first thought was "fuck 'em." After I thought about it some more and considered my usual anti-death penalty stance, my next thought was "fuck 'em."

A maternity corset, fascinating!

Apparently these guys don't realize that greeting people with a kiss means you're actually greeting in, saying hello to them because you know them. People in France don't just randomly kiss complete strangers they are having no interaction with either. That's not traditional in any culture as far as I know.

You were the Windex beneath their wings.

Agreed. I see a Broadway musical, with Sacha Baron Cohen cast as Christian Grey, with a twirly moustache, speaking in his Borat voice. And the Inner Goddesses could be the chorus line.

Now playing

How about something more along the lines of the original Casino Royale with Peter Sellers?