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I'm not lucky enough to be Canadian, but I love Bare Naked Ladies, so I've called it Kraft Dinner for years

Oh, YOU don't like your coverage options anymore and therefore don't have insurance??? Let me get right on that.


Yep. All they have to do is say "oops! we removed it! not our fault!!" and there's probably little Marvel can do to claim damages.

Yep. Jez played right into their hands. I am, however, getting a kick out of picturing Charmin as an evil mastermind.

What a brilliant guerrilla marketing campaign. They tweet it, knowing that someone somewhere will screenshot it or catch it in archives somehow, then they can delete it and claim it was a mistake, all the while making the rounds on tumblr and buzzfeed as "edgy."

I think it depends on how the turtleneck is attached to the rest of the sweater. Sometimes they're knitted in one piece, but sometimes they're sewn in separately (and could therefore be detached). But if your tailor already looked at it and talked about the knit being too fine, it's probably knitted.

Yeah, but wouldn't that mean he should not be borrowing anyone else's work? I would think Ayn Rand would be Most Displeased by her namesake.

Also, how about the fact that he can't seem to come up with original material (either himself or the people he hires)? If his only option, other than plagiarism, is to still take other people's stuff, but just attribute properly, then he's got bigger problems than just throwing hissy fits. He's got no intellectual

Your opinion is valid. But so are a bunch of other people's, and they are offended by being called Oriental. That one black guy you know who's ok with the N word? Not a representative sample, my friend.

I would sob too, if someone hurt my car. Other drivers suck (present company excluded)!


So, what you're saying is, this movie was basically The Hangover with an oscar-winning cast, right?

This is obviously someone who never actually read Hamlet. But I bet they LOVED the movie (probably the Kenneth Brannaugh one, because it's overly wrought and pretentious).

"National Women's Hall of Fame"

You know what I learned about that model year from my mechanic? That the computer that regulates the fuel efficiency was still set for European/Asian standards instead of the new-at-the-time US standards, so our engines are slightly more powerful than newer models.

These people have probably never even tasted Kraft Dinner. Who would want to live that life?

Yeah, but Dean totally makes up for it.

I don't know... I'm inordinately grateful I am not them. I mean, I adore Kraft Dinner and my ex-stray cat and Supernatural and my 8-year-old Honda Fit. These things are all easy to find, obtain and keep without angst. I am pleased with my life choices.