
It doesn't need to be crazy-high, but it does need to be an attractive (read: sustainable) career choice. California state assembly people earn $90K, but Connecticut is $28K because they are considered "part time and seasonal" but the work is actually 24-7. These things need to be addressed before we can really expand

As a woman who grew up in politics because my mother is a politician, I can definitely say it's not necessarily the lack of mentorship or internships or whatnot that keeps women out of politics. It's socioeconomic: elected positions don't pay enough or provide enough free time to work more than one job. A state

OMG, we must fix this!!

I think this is the barbie doll that got buried in the back of the closet and when I dug it out, I chopped off most of it's hair and dressed it in a paper napkin. Because I was a "fashion designer" back then.

Dammit, does this mean I need to burn my 2002 Take Back the Night t-shirt before it causes the space-time continuum to snap in two?

Thank you for pointing out my new mission in life.

Evidence to reject the null: sexism is a moving target, so this would be an appropriate use of "frontier"

Because it's better if people keep thinking THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IN THE WORLD (the "final frontier" of feminism) is yoga vs. weight training? Much more damaging trope, my friend.

That's what I mean by "wildly inappropriate." Sure, it's a joke, but it's a joke belittling every other bastion of sexism that is more important, which, frankly, is pretty much all of them.

Dude, pretty sure this article was not intended as a joke, but to address a serious problem with sexism in the gym. Either the phrase "final frontier" means what it says, in which case, no joke to miss, or it's wildly inappropriate for the context.

The "hyperbole" in this case is not a reference to the magnitude of the problem, but to the "final frontier" nature of the gym. Please tell me you understand that a gym is not the last outpost of sexism in the world.

I imagine not, but it did derail me from taking the rest of the article with much seriousness... it put a kind of #firstworldproblems sheen over the whole premise.

When it comes to gender segregation, the gym is the final frontier.

That's not a penis, that's a hate-spout. Chupacabra biology is unique.

FYI, just because you believe it , doesn't make it right. I can only assume you believe this garbage because you've participated in it or condone it.

And here I was, daydreaming about the loveliness that would be a Coulter-Cruz lovechild:

It's. not. about. what. the. rapist. thinks.

A rapist makes a power play by deciding his/her "fun" is more important than anything the victim might feel. This is dehumanizing to the victim. By deciding to rape someone "for fun," it takes away the power of the victim to control his/her body. So yes, it's still about power.

They do it because they think they have a right to their "minute of fun" over the vicitm's right to his or her body. So regardless of what they think their motivation is, it's still a power play.

Here is where you are wrong. A "minute of fun" does not involve forcing an object (only sometimes a penis) into another person of either gender who does not want it. I take it you've never actually had sex?