

Either "no comment" or a "if these allegations are true, we will deal with her appropriately," or maybe a "no family should have to go through what the victim's family is going through, and we will do everything we can to prevent it in the future."

It's just so GOOD, though!

I think KFC caught a lot of flack for this last year, so they may not be offering it this year. However, I think all grilled buckets were pink while the campaign was going on. As in, "as long as you don't order our super-extra trans-fat laden recipe, you'll be fine (pay no attention to the fact that the dye we use to

I think there's a taboo out there about accusing kids of aggressive behavior, but I did find some guidelines on

Part of the problem may be there is so much emphasis placed on helping victims, no one has time to think of fixing the bullies. Kind of like how rape is dealt with by "empowering women to protect themselves" rather than preventing the aggression.


I'm sure the PR team floated that idea, but it got nixed because it didn't highlight the KFC Brand enough. Accidentally correct decisions like these are never made for the actual reasons they should have been.

Yes. That's, like, magical-unicorn-level rare these days.

Oh AOL IM... back when there were, like, 150 of us on there. I was maybe 13 when I started chatting to a boy in some random state (CA, maybe?). That boy's parents called my parents, just so everyone was aware of what was going on. It was such an innocent time.

Yeah, you're totally right. And it makes me so sad.

I imagine it's pretty hard to disassociate the cute little baby they knew from the dangerous teen. But "pretty hard" does not absolve them from the obligation to do so.

Of course he loves her, but that doesn't make it ok for him to deny her actions.

Maurice switching the beat! LOLOLOLOL!

"My daughter's a good girl and I'm 100 percent sure that whatever they're saying about my daughter is not true."

IKR? Someone needs to write a screenplay about a hooker with a heart of gold named SusanGKomenForTheCure, who eventually marries Richard Gere and rides off in a white limo with opera music playing in the background.

Newsflash: the website "" is no longer active. Duuuuuuude... someone in a professional capacity actually had to come up with that website name.

Erin! I know there's an endless list of these, but how could you leave out my most favoritest one?!?!

"Can you get a friend to wear a ski mask and knee cap that fuck in a parking lot?”

People with better twitter followings than me need to do something about this.Hijacking a hashtag is easy if you have enough followers.