
A. They, like J. Crew, seem to have forgotten that women have hips

I dream of a professional clothing store for women set up the way Mens Warehouse is set up... with rack upon rack of decent suit pant, skirts and jackets that all match and come in every combination of measurement.

I love making my own clothes, and I make work clothes because I can fit them to myself. But it's incredibly time consuming for a full-time worker. We just can't do both.

If we're all honest about our bodies, they're all weird... there is no normal. Which is why it's strange to me to have such an arbitrary sizing structure with mass-produced clothing. Why don't we just do it by measurement and be done with it?

I do wish this would work... I lived in Osaka for several months, and compared to the standard body type there, I've got hips for miles :)

You've raised an interesting point of clarification. I don't think I'd have added myself in if Tim Gunn hadn't pointed out this area of overlap (the underserved sizes). Obviously, I've not experienced all the other aspects of being plus-sized people, and I would never dream of equating the two in any other way. But,

As great as Tim Gunn is at addressing the WOMAN size problem, I'm glad he didn't leave out us little 'uns too:

Wow, that's some epic-level whitemansplaining, right there.

OMG, now I know where Miley Cyrus got her moves!

will you be my friend? you and your mom?

Pitties have the best smiles!

Yes! Those little chromosomes, they're all

IKR? If I did think something in passing, I would like to think it would be something like, "what a cute shirt" or "why won't that kid stop crying? god!"

I'm sorry to hear about your troubles... I'm glad you have your support system.

People used to ask if I was adopted (light brown hair, blue eyes, my mom was born in Italy with blue-black hair and a very Mediterranean look). It still bothers me, 30 years later, that this was a question strangers thought they could ask.

Definitely. She does the leaning thing, in particular; with people who need her, she will sit, lean, rest her head on their leg or knee, be all over them. She's not a particularly social dog in general, and if everything's normal, she'll just wander a bit and go lay down somewhere quiet.

Based on the descriptions of the "preoccupieds" and "fearfuls" I'd say the NSA actually does make up a large number of those who cyberstalk partners. Yikes.