
Not to feed into a stereotype, but I'm pretty sure the couple I met was just the older version of this one:

No, you're right, that's what we've been told. She's also short and stubby, so we think maybe bull terrier might be in there too, but some Pitties are short, so there's no way to know for sure.

Oh, she is an excellent snorgler... she's one of those dogs who think they're a lap dog, despite weighing 45 lbs.

Just want to send a big shout-out to the elderly gay couple one table over from us on the patio of my favorite bar last night. The gentleman wearing the fedora, pendant rhinestone earrings, a 4-carat wedding ring, wide bangles, a tweed jacket, and sequined Toms was so nice to talk to! And his shih tzu, Fee, was very

IKR? This was right after we rescued her (with six puppies... you can see the tail of one on the bottom left of the photo), so she hadn't gotten her weight back up and she needed a bath in the worst way.

That face gets her double breakfast all the time.

Thanks! Right now, she's sleeping on the floor in the living room. Right next to her bed. Dog, the bed is 2 feet to your left! Gah!

My rescue pit bull mix, Angel, is a certified therapy dog. I take her to nursing homes and rehabilitation centers, where she helps people with memory, socialization, dexterity, sensory integration, and a number of medical treatments. Pit bulls are a very intuitive breed, I've found. They are very focused on people and

Ankle bracelet? She strikes me as the leather ankle bracelet type...

Oh.. oh god... I... no... put it away, Burt, please!

Convicted in the court of public opinion by Resting Bitch Face? Potentially.

Please tell me the sno-cone guy wasn't trying to be righteous and Stand His Ground (his snowy, snowy ground) at the same time as selling his flavored ice water?

That's amazing. Sad, and yet car-wreck-like riveting.

YEaaaaah, the more someone tries to sell me something by saying Trust Me! the less I do.

Back when I lived in a rural part of North Carolina (outside Goldsboro, in Wayne County, where the average income was around $16,000 a year), there was a pawn shop that had one of those marquee-style signs with permanent lettering above and below that said "Jesus Saves!" so it often looked like Jesus was saving 30%

VERY good point. Only Menz on the motorcycles! Save the monkeys!!

I'm starting to think these things are more like smearing chicken blood on your front steps, to ward of evil heathen demons, rather than to promote American God Love. I know I'd drive right past that place, if I was looking for an apartment.

LOL @ dry-clean-only baby clothes. LOLSOHARD.

I totally believe that.

Godless heathen high five