I'm guessing not 100% of the blame is with the parents... this sort of cultural "knowledge" just floats around between young kids and gets absorbed, unless it's actively counteracted.
I'm guessing not 100% of the blame is with the parents... this sort of cultural "knowledge" just floats around between young kids and gets absorbed, unless it's actively counteracted.
She'd probably get blamed for "forcing" a baby on this Neanderthal, in that case.
That "false reports" crap is so pervasive among young men, they just absorb it without even realizing it... Even Mr BerkRie (a progressive guy with, generally, a good head on his shoulders) had to be disabused of that notion within the first month of our relationship.
Also, there's the "girl always wins" appropriation of victimhood that really burns me.
He stated that his whole life would be ruined, the girl always wins[8].
He stated that his whole life would be ruined, the girl always wins
What thoroughly meh advice! Seriously! "you need to be extremely discriminating and remain on the lookout for someone who actually deserves the honor of ushering you into the next sexual stage of life." *gag*
I'm irked by the caption under her picture. "Helped" to stop the gunman? Sounds like she stopped, full-stop, the gunman. Give the woman the credit, douchbags.
Wow, and I didn't even realize Kanye was any worse than your typical personal charity-having celeb/rich person. What a rotten human being!
You know who must feel ultra-shitty about all the attention being paid to "king" George? Prince Charles.
It's not about the money: "They were planning on giving it away to [Kanye's] charity anyway."
Did anyone else think, "Prince William’s Passion: New Father, New Hope,” sounded like Disney's working title for Starwars VII? Or a shitty romance novel? Both?
Favorite Video of the 2000s
If you want a different earworm, this one gets me every time:
Welcome to hell. At least the weather's nice here.
Those images made me homesick for MySpace. Oh, early 2000's where did you go???
The poop, where do it go? How do it get cleaned? So many hamster-poo-related questions!
For some reason, this made me want to see if Hampsterdance was still around (you know, that early-internet sensation of poorly illustrated, repetitious hampsters and bad electronic music?).