
I would genuinely like to meet someone with two woo-hoos.

Oh, thanks for the clarification/correction. I'm glad!

Nails => tips (as in acrylic tips)

that's not even close to the tip of the iceberg.

This reminds me of a story I heard on Fresh Air (I think... might have been another NPR show) about how the onset production chef who prepares all the on-screen food had to fend off a herd of dogs from her massive table of food.

every time I see some bit of news referencing virginity tests as a pre-requisite for something, my immediate thought is, "gee, these guys really love anal." Because that's got to be a direct result of requiring vaginal virginity.

You're probably right. Generally, I'd like to buy a small island in the pacific and be my own elected representative. Although, I wouldn't be a shoe-in as the cats in my household are an unpredictable voting block.

Me too. I'm semi-lucky, in that I live in one of the more liberal districts in a red state, so we have some sway, but it's almost never going to overwhelm a national race.

These guys wouldn't be voicing these opinions (I'm sorry, "medical facts") if they didn't have some kind of proof it would play in Peoria. It's heads-I-win, tales-you-lose, because the more we complain (Hi, Texas!) the more the republicans will blame opposition on shrill feminazis. The only way to fix this is to vote

AAaand back to the topic... nice segue!

Summertime: Shandy (beer and lemonade... don't mock, it's awesome)

I just tried to find a reference, and it seems he's grown out of being irritated with not being recognized for his more serious work, and seems to love it now. I particularly like how he found depth in Inigo because his own father had recently past away before filming.

Oh, Tom Jones, how could you???

Yuck, and yet, YES!

Even if he just said "Hello!" very emphatically, that would be enough for me. But I hear Mandy Patinkin has pretty much disavowed The Princess Bride. So sad.

OMG, Drunk Space Camp is the best!

Please please please can I be unfuckable to this guy? I want to guaran-fucking-tee my "hoo-haa" is never ever in the same zip code as this asshat.

I think they were saying they were reducing the hours of some of their full-time non-management staff, and the number of affected employees amounts to less than 1% of their overall staff size (30,000).

AAaaand... every time the phone rings, I WILL answer it, " 'ell-O!"

So So disappointed JC isn't actually a member of this girl group via elective surgery. HOPES DASHED, JEZEBEL. hopes dashed.