
Hands-down worst use of the word synergistic. Period.

Right?!? That's, like, baby name selection 101, people. After that, check for insulting nick names, but MONOGRAMS first! Gah!

IKR? It's a chance for them to pull some haters into their fold, or at least sell advertising to a wider target.

YES! that's IT! Tell me that would not be endlessly entertaining?!?!

Someone at Fox News needs to capitalize on this wonderful awkwardness. Picture it: full-on Crisis Mode (TM) graphic screen and desk environment, with the title: Shepard Describing Pictures on the Internet!

I'm pretty sure they're uncomfortably knocking shins with her left leg. I've been in that position (no where near as gracefully), and it's too uncomfortable to maintain because of bone-on-bone contact.

Hospital E&C style abortion (under general anesthetic and with surgeons and everything) is required this late, but the condition that necessitated the abortion is not typically discovered until weeks 16-18, so it was my only option at that point. "Medical" or pill-based abortions are only allowed through week 12.

Right? Kids love little eraser-shaped plastic things they can throw around. This is not exactly promoting "valuing a life" when "life" can be found in the form of little rubber dolls in your free treat bag. Good job, guys!

The size of the shoe would lead me to agree with you (it's too big to just disappear completely), but that fabric is a heavy one and if the mattress is soft enough, maybe what little of the shoe was visible just didn't read right.

As a young artist in DC many moons ago, I found great inspiration and learned a huge amount from the Smithsonian institutions, the Corcoran, and the Phillips collection. I would consider public museums a huge investment in future artists and art appreciators.

Yep, I'm counting at least four. They're typically identified by the year(s) they were painted... hopefully we'll get an edit?

To get her ass into that flattering an angle/position, plus stretching the fabric against it, she'd need to counterbalance with her knee, so I think it's all related.

Charmuese is actually a fairly thick fabric, it's not like fine silk you'd use in a nightgown. So I agree the fabric is doing a better than expected job of hiding the leg with all the folds.

My pregnancy-through-17-weeks-then-abortion cost exactly (I know 'cause I just got the bill) $36,074. I'm lucky to have insurance from a company that's done the math on abortions (totally saves them money in the long run, so they totally cover it), so I'm only paying about $750, most of which is an echocardiogram for

Not an expert, but my guess is, in order to maintain that awkward position for the length of time needed to adjust lighting, clothing folds, get all the shots, etc. and not smother Mr. Lewis in the process, Ms. Danes had to shift some of her weight onto that knee, sinking it and the associated calf into the mattress.

Nicely done. The hardest things I ever had to deal with were evolution/creationism questions, and the occasional predator/prey relationship.

Wow, he had my granddad's hair. Flat top, man, flat top.

LOL. Maybe it's a generally-catholic thing, since one of the guiding principles of the religion includes a large amount of guilt? Jesus died for our sins, after all. It would be completely ungrateful for us to forget to call.

My mom's been saying stuff like this since I was a kid... I don't remember a time when my mom was not in danger of imminent death. She was born in Italy, though, so I think that sort of thing is perfectly normal to her.

As a former park ranger and answerer of all sorts of uncomfortable questions, and out of professional curiosity, how do you answer that one?