
Does he not even have a PR company? Is his PR person actually that monkey he keeps forgetting about and leaving at various international locations?

Does anyone else feel that the Gaga gif accurately described your feelings after reading Beiber's obnoxious and inexplicably condescending text to Mr. Clinton?

Simon, honey, you're awesome, and your suit is awesome, and your shades are awesome, and way to work the pale, but those shoes...

My grandma would have said the chicken neck, but then that always just made us giggle.

particularly when he's so drunk he calls out Prince John as a mamma's boy. FINALLY.

Based on how compact a chicken's anatomy is, it could be a number of things... Let's just assume the things you've been eating are kidneys and not ask too many questions.

But then, according to Heidinger's Theory of Pizza Uncertainty, by eating the pizza, we have altered the state of it and can therefore never know the true nature of the pizza in it's original form.

I consider it a philosophical question, like morality. Is pizza classification Objective (a pizza, regardless of size or style, can be declared Personal if it is for only one person) or Subjective (a pizza's classification changes based on size, style, or intent). Or is a pizza a Personal Pizza because the maker

I see that picture of the two of them, and all I can think is, they're just a really really ridiculously good looking couple.

OMG, me too! I had the biggest crush on Robin. I think he's the reason I've always leaned towards the bicyclist/tennis/runner body types vs. the football/boxing/bulky body types in men.

I take my pizza terminology very seriously... therefore, once a pizza is larger than 12 inches, can it technically be called "personal"? No, really guys, this is important, because pizza.

Does Ryan Seacrest really think someone just invented a single rice crispie, like it was some kind of one-grain-of-rice-at-a-time experiment?

May the clit be with you :)

Well, I do it for my husband, and neither of us "expect" any one thing all the time... that would be boring. I mean, what normal person wants the same sexual favors repeated each and every time?

Actually, yes, yes I have, and it's completely doable... for the right guy.

But but but... chickens don't have scroti, so the chickens could tell us NOTHING!

I don't know, I tried that with my Doctor Who t-shirt and have been surprisingly unsuccessful at finding kindred spirits here in Charlotte.

I know he was trying to riff of of Duke Ellington, but this was a movement full of beautiful poetry he could have borrowed, so "Take the Gay Train" just sounds ham-handed to me. The first piece mentioned in the article, "Prove It On Me," would have been better, for one (I assume, if he's doing a documentary on the

This is fascinating, and that white tux is gorgeous, but the dude that made the documentary... could you maybe come up with a more clever name than "Take the Gay Train"?!?! Put a little effort into it, man!

I want to use Oodalally much more frequently than I do, but I'm afraid people won't know what I'm saying and my cleverness will just go over their heads.