
Yeah, this reminds me of those news stories where an abused/rescued puppy is shown on the news, so the shelter is flooded with calls to adopt the "little angel," but when the shelter says the dog has already found a home, none of the callers want one of the other hundreds of puppies needing homes just as much.

Seriously? Trial and error. I had never even used a chop-saw until we started this project. It's not hard, you just need to be willing to go slow, and start over if/when you fuck up.

Preferably to a happily married gay man. Who has tattoos. Who is also an abortion doctor. And professional dancer.

Thanks for the Disney Robin Hood reference.

They're also not trying to fix it or even offering any possible alternatives/solutions. They're just using it as an excuse to raise their profile.

Absolutely it's a bad thing, but it's always been bad. I think someone smarter than me could make a pretty good argument that it has been a problem for a very long time (eg, Elizabeth Taylor, any fashion model from the early days). The PTC just likes to kick up a fuss on a regular basis over obvious things they

OMG, that's awesome! I love me some depressive pastry!!

Well, the "duh" is there for teenage girls as well, but it's the "oh deary me, whatever shall we do to rescue our children from this scourge that we just discovered and never ever imagined could happen before now!" attitude that is irritating.

That's true, the point is valid, but the source is shitty.

Oh please make it be so! And it would periodically cry, or maybe stigmata?

Good point, I should have included all saints/catholic symbolism there, you're right. But the weirdness still stands. It's either religious symbols or penises. No one ever just sees a 1997 Nissan Altima in a veggie.

I'm not sure the PTC is a good source for unbiased research. Their bread-and-butter is finding offensiveness all over the television. Earlier this year, they called The Walking Dead out for violence (duh) and the Bachelor for "implied nudity" (also duh).

What does it say that our species is obsessed with items that look like either penises or Jesus. Just those two things, though.

First guy is asleep.

Only if we get to have a nifty CNN-style title images a la

YES. I can die happy now, my life is complete. The CIIIIIIIRCLE of LIIIIIIIIFE...

I do think the article has a point from an end-product point of view... that journalists should be especially mindful of including minority opinions when they don't have the option of actually having a minority journalist. And we as media consumers should also be mindful of the fact that we're being fed on a

Not to sound like I'm brushing off serious racial problems, but could this have anything to do with the widely-discussed death of "newsroom" journalism overall? It may or may not be true, but the media has made a big deal over how few jobs there are, and how unstable those jobs are, for trained journalists. And if you

And in other news, politicians don't actually like people and that douchebag down the street with the Lamborghini was never hugged by his mommy.*

When do we get to see J.Beibs in a aquamarine wig and Alvin Ailey tank?