
Because First Amendment = Meh?

  • Soy corndogs,

Ran out of Just For Men in his hair color, "Make Me A Sammich Brown"

"Over a 10-year period, that isn't a huge amount of money," Heinrich said, "compared to what you save in welfare paying for these unwanted children – as they procreated more."

This's This. I think most "diets" work by fatiguing us from eating too much of anything, or just making us work for our food, which in turn means we eat less overall.

Can I just put fig preserves on my rosemary olive oil bread? It's not challah (which I adore and can't get down south in NC, along with a billion Jewish and Italian delectables), but it will do in a pinch.

Sorry! How about this? I checked it this time :)

Check out this post over on GroupThink... the comments are full of happy marriage tails. I've been married 5 years, and we're happier now than we were when we first met. The (admittedly few) years have made us a stronger couple, more of a team, a better functioning unit, than we were early on. Of course marriage

Egg-zactly! We are the captains of our souls. Or, less poetically but more Billy-Joel-y, "either way it's ok to wake up with yourself"

*Please be on Kindle please be on Kindle please be on...*

Thanks to this post, I typed "bread" into Pinterest, and now I'm down a rabbit hole of beautiful bread recipes, of which I want to make/eat all...

Honest question: Isn't there a difference between external closure (that which we get from others or circumstance) and internal closure (that which we make for ourselves)? I don't think we frequently get the perfect, movie-ending closure from the universe that we expect, but we can create our own closure through

Can one then have a Royal Flush of Goats? You know, if you have aristocratic goats?

I could not ask for more

Totally yes. Everyone is self-centered, so few are thinking about others' looks. And YES, OMG, the passive-aggressive criticism of "us" is so freaking annoying. You want to make a comment about my thighs? Own it, would you? Grr.

I object! There are 22-year-old bellies that don't fit inside tube tops, and some 45-year-0ld bellies that should be displayed at every opportunity.

Helena Bonham Carter as Liz Taylor is something I never knew I needed until I knew I needed it.

I do not question the Moderator Goddesses and their infinite wisdom. I toil here in the clay, expecting not recognition or accolades :)

My new goal in life is to be "goat landed." I wonder if there's a certification down at the community college.