
A full-grown human male person actually used the word "Totes" out loud in my office a few weeks ago. I threw up a little in my mouth.

Impractical heels! Where are the utterly impractical heels!

First, I was all "This exists? Crazy, man, crazy," but then I was all "Florida? Yeah, that sounds about right."

Wow, when you describe it like that, it sounds like someone's fairly interesting kink.

There's no need to assume people "don't understand the issue" here. This is similar to any other freedom of speech vs. offensive display (KKK rallies, Pride parades, etc). As long as the rights of others are not being impinged, you can say whatever you want, but as soon as someone's right to safe, nonthreatening

Just reading that list was exhausting. My guide:

But the yell of all the yells,
The yell that wins the day
Is the 'HOYA, HOYA SAXA!' of the dear old Blue and Gray!

I feel bad for Thomas Jefferson. As a humanist, he would have meant "man" to mean human being, but the literalists will A) never believe that, and B) never believe a founding father was anything but a religious zealot.

"Fie upon thee, White House Correspondents' Dinner"?

I went to Georgetown undergrad and Duke for grad school. I also went to a very "preppy" public high school. So, I was surrounded by White Hats for a good 15 years of my life. It was mildly traumatizing. The favorite rendition of the white hat at my high school (where it was traditional for the jocks to identify

Isn't the line, "We hold these truths to be self-evident..." followed by "...that all men are created equal" ?

When I was in college (not UNC, but the same principle applies), we used to call people who wore those hats "white-hats" and much derision was associated with the label. Now that I think about it, were we the anti-bro bros? Yikes!

yep, there are still a few dry counties out there. In fact, I think Johnston or one of the others (Sampson?) chose to become dry fairly recently.

So, what happens if North and Blue Ivy grow up to hate each other? Would they still be frenemies, or would it be the biggest Toddler Feud of all time. You'd think they'd bond over how dumb their names are, but would that be enough to form a true friendship? The world may never know...

In the rural towns/villages that I lived and worked in as a state park ranger a few years back, I learned that those places often have blue laws or liquor restrictions prohibiting businesses from selling anything over a certain percentage of alcohol (like 5 or 7%, usually, keeping it to bud lite and such). Anything

That does sound awesome. While I do get motion sick, I also love me some porch swing, so I'd probably love a bed like that.

It probably is a combination of preference and mechanics. I'm not sure exactly how his was suspended, but it looked a bit like a diving board with the head attached to the wall and metal cording attached to the ceiling at the foot.

No, don't ruin it, I totally thought you had one!

Ah, that's... surprisingly practical for such an impractical piece of furniture. But still cool.

I have a crazy, artsy uncle who had a bed suspended from the ceiling (it was supposed to be an "architectural statement" or somesuch). All he would say was it was too "bouncy," so they did not repeat the statement in their next house.