A TJ cashier let me in on a secret yesterday... they're testing a Cookie Butter swirled with chocolate. I wish I was kidding.
A TJ cashier let me in on a secret yesterday... they're testing a Cookie Butter swirled with chocolate. I wish I was kidding.
Egg-zactly. If it was between, say, Rick Perry (clean as a whistle, personally) or Anthony Weiner, I'd take Mr. Underwear Model any day.
Color me shocked and saddened this encounter with female professional athletes did not change the dudebros' reactions of "you play like a girl." :|
Real question because I'm not from NYC and didn't get the media play-by-play at the time: Did he know the women were under age when he sexted them?
The sex scandal aside, his record was pretty solid and liberal. He was rated 100% by both NARAL and HRC for abortion and gay marriage, and 97% by the NAACP for his pro-affirmative action stance. He voted against the Patriot Act. He also had a very green/pro-EPA enforcement voting record.
That looks like a joke that accidentally got tweeted for real. As in "hey, Jerry, wouldn't it be funny if I actually tweeted this... oops."
Ah, yes, I think they were talking about old-school, I-just-slaughtered-a-cow-and-boiled-the-bones style bullion, not the modern dehydrated meat-salts type.
I remember that. And I've knitted sweaters that look like that too (especially the sleeves).
Yeah, I was around 22 before I actually came into contact with a real, live condom. I was oddly fascinated by it, and we went through several before I could be induced to stop playing with them and put them to their intended purpose.
that gif is ah-maze-ing, fyi.
Wow, they let you touch the condoms in your sex ed class? We were only allowed to view them from afar as older (but probably less experienced) gym teachers attempted to place them on various food items.
Thanks, that makes sense to me now.
So, does all this mainstream exposure make BRF like the Facebook of sexist, annoying social tropes?
Ah. I wonder if they weeded out the rats that, although allowed to binge, chose not to after a while.
Cooled, of course. She actually talks about the statistical increase in scared colons during the spike of popularity enjoyed by DIY coffee enemas performed by idiots who didn't cool off the coffee first.
So, forcing rats to go on a 10-day bender and then withdrawing alcohol for another 10 days is really our experimental substitute for alcoholism? I don't know if I buy that. I mean, just because someone has a wild spring break week featuring test tube jello shots and too much pino grigio, followed by a mid-term week of…
I definitely agree that "attention" would fit nicely here.
I've read most of her books, they're perfect for short-attention-spanned folks who like sciency stuff. I also recommend "Stiff" and "Packing for Mars," "Boink" was ok.
Having just finished Mary Roach's excellent tome, "Gulp," in which she examines the human digestive system (including taste), I am now a vicarious expert on the subject. She mentioned taste receptors outside of the mouth, and implied they are thought to monitor the chemical environment and signal if adjustments are…