Sounds like Sarah Palin, only replace the word "power" with the words "designer clothing."
Sounds like Sarah Palin, only replace the word "power" with the words "designer clothing."
Well, that squares with the GOP's understanding of math and statistics.
I totally read that book as a kid too! I've been thinking about it ever since the Hunger Games became a thing (although the premises are very different) and couldn't remember the name either. The scene where the brother and sister take food from a farmhouse that was set up for survivors, with a heartbreaking note from…
Oh, that's a shame, I didn't know he was sick. I hope it's not a chronic condition.
It's all a part of the cats' plan for world domination... first disney movies, then the human race.
It sounds like someone got this drug from the clearance end cap of their local Target. As in a couple of expired, half-opened, safety-seal-punctured, free-gift-missing drugs all mushed together.
I get it, but I'm just not Texas enough to pull that off. How about WWWDD? I'd rather emulate Wendy Davis, real-life super hero.
The resemblance is uncanny, though, right?
Yep. She deserves a divorce pool be created behind her back. I'll take 18 months.
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away (washington dc), I worked for a PR company whose client, the DC HIV/AIDS Administration, wanted to run bus shelter ads to encourage people to get tested. So instead of paying for stock footage, the PR firm asked for volunteers from the staff to represent various race/gender…
I guess that explains why my insurance company covered my abortion 100% with nary a copay or disputed charge in sight... it was just more cost effective than a full-term birth :/
That's actually a really good point. Maybe just a photo of the jersey or the logo would be more appropriate? I'd feel bad if I was one of these guys.
I have only a passing acquaintance with the strange and unfamiliar world that is the Canadian junior hockey leagues (or is it semi-pro? or farm system?), but I imagine the importance level is kind of the same.
I don't know what the average is, but of the 14 staff members listed on Vanderbilt's Division of Administration's web page, 6 are women, and 2 of 3 new deans are women. Leading by example?
Am I the only one who read the write-up too quickly and was thoroughly confused about why George Bush was trying to reach women who love men who are on the lam?
Yep, any day I'm not allowed to hit the snooze button more than twice is a bad day.
Question is, did Ryan turn into a fish prince shortly thereafter?