
Gov. Perry and Lt. Gov. Dewhurst are willing to … put women in harm’s way in order to step up on the political ladder.

Reagan and McCain were too old because they were run-down and heading towards senile/crazy (or serious brain degeneration in Reagan's case), not because of their actual numerical ages. Ms. Clinton strikes me as someone who remains vital and mentally capable. Some people at 50 aren't as with-it as she is.

Totally. That and because Bush. "Hey I vaguely recognize that name" *screen tap/lever pull/card punch*

Yeah, he could be more of a poster boy than anything else.

Oh, but they'd much rather court the Hispanic vote, while pandering to the ladies with some JFK Jr. level eye-candy and still staying in the fold with a Bush progeny. I mean, look at what they tried to do with Gomez in Massachusetts.

I was forced to listen to him speak during the 2000 election (yes, I was, like, 16 and he was not much older), and he was super-smarmy even then, so I can only imagine what he's like now. Hello, Invisaline and ZOOM bleaching.

As long as they couch it in terms of "all the ladeez will wants to have his babies," then it's ok. That's not lust, that's procreation.

Well, it could be part of a larger strategy, because they've been frothing at the mouth to run this kid for the last ten years:

I picture Glen Beck in retirement like this:

If by using mustard seeds and salt as obscure euphemisms for things counts, then yes, then "juice of my pomegranate" is an excellent poetic reference to oral.

Ooo, I'd love to use that in conversations with my in-laws. Book and verse number, please!

Whelp, now that us Normals know about this trend, it will officially not be cool anymore. Hence, men can stop doing it. Please, please stop doing it.

I know a group he should join:

Agreed, and I don't even think Playboy is a very good example of the type of porn I'm considering similar. But I do think addressing the major problem (the devaluing and lack of agency) could potentially injure a whole mess of birds with one stone.

I wore basically these to my abortion:

Granted that this legislative effort completely misses the point and is way, way distracting and unproductive. And also granted that I'm all about some consensual, empowering porn of whatever variety floats each person's individual boat.

There's also the lovely variation: "We already have one"

Bet it sounded good in whatever committee meeting decided to try it, though. Especially if that committee met off-site.

Strictly monitored tests of the procedure are the industry standard, yes? I'm not objecting to the research, I'm merely objecting to the "coming soon to a theater near you" attitude of the media reports. It tends to get people's hopes up and promise things beyond the scope of the research.