
Too true! That they think they're original cracks me up, though.

I totally agree that scientific advances are exciting and not to be squashed. I just think additional longitudinal testing is needed to see if the results of this technique outperform traditional natural selection. We just can't know at this time how this will affect a fully-grown human resulting from this sort of

How these girls turn out:

True, it's not modifying the chromosomes, it's transferring the first mom's nucleus, including the chromosomes, to the second mom's egg (which has had it's nucleus removed). Theoretically, it could work to replace my hypothetically damaged nucleus with a healthy one, just as well as it works to replace someone's

Weird, yes. But I'm surprised this is the first time someone thought of this. And it's strangely appropriate for a show about politics, I guess.

I think this would be more like "engineered selection," as it only seems to be replacing some of the egg's material, not all of the contents, which can't happen without interference. Natural selection is what happened when I couldn't carry my baby to term, a natural combination of genes.

Ah, I see. That does make sense.

Maybe they could guarantee the fish died of natural causes in the arms (fins?) of their loved ones before being turned into fertilizer? Or better yet, they could just use fish feces or waste products from fish farms. I hear that makes a decent fertilizer, and then just the vegans would object.

Hm. As a potential mom who's pregnancy ended in chromosomal anomaly (luckily not an inherited problem), I can see the appeal here. However, I'm also a proponent of natural selection, where if your genes and your partner's genes aren't meant to make a baby, I think adoption is a better option for all involved. It will

What happened to the fish fertilizer technique? That sounds like a brilliant solution that should not be abandoned (smelly but not harmful, kinda passive-aggressive, but better than the po-po), unless the fish objected?

In theory, I'd love a treadmill desk, but I imagine it actually going down something like this:

I get the impression their version of the bible was created by sending one through a shredder, then pasting it back together in random order. I'm not even christian, and I'm offended for christians that they call themselves such.

I think they like sign-making. And every third verse in the Bible... except Psalms and, like, that whole last half.

Wow, I never thought anything could happen in the world that would make me like Taylor Swift even a little bit. Thanks WBC!

Instead of racing down the highway, driving slowly past his school. Much more effective for the torture of 14 year old boys *evil grin*

Thanks, I'm sponging all the positivity I can from everyone right now.

I feel compelled to point out, CNN called it her "last stand" for no good reason. Stoopid CNN.

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