
Any substance about which the flavor and color can actually be confused (as in, "What flavor is that?" "Blue") can be accurately described as fecal.

I know... They're amazing. Maybe a combination of expert body language skills and highly-sensitive chemical analysis via smell/taste. But Phooy knowing the baby was gone was a very powerful moment for me.

This is awesome. The next time my moron of a brother in law starts talking about how being gay is a choice, I can tell him how lucky he is to share his philosophy with Flavor Flav.

Totally. This was particularly weird, because Phooy (my cat) usually climbs on my chest and tucks his head under my chin, drooling excessively, when I'm upset or sick. So doing this strange thing in my lap as I lay down, refusing to look me in the eye and not purring, was very out of character. It's like he knew

It's like somone's stupid cousin at the Oreo factory bought the machine that squirts two different flavor/colors of filling at the same time, and so now they have to keep coming up with nasty ways to justify the purchase of the machine. Otherwise stupid cousin Dwayne will get canned, and no one wants to have to help hi

It will be interesting to see the data that comes out on this (how much it affects new biz development, rates of illness, etc).

Agreed. But as the child of European immigrants myself, I might have a better chance at accurately and completely conveying some of that experience to a child of European decent. Asia, Africa, and South America might be more of a problem. Effort counts for a lot, and if the child's circumstances were bad enough to

Right?!? I'm annoyed that everyone's focusing on the use of a slur once, when the bigger issues are her discriminatory labor practices and compensation issues. Plus, just EWW on the plantation wedding theme.

My cat is usually the typical asshole cat (totally bullies my sweetheart of a dog), but when I got home from my final abortion procedure last friday, he crawled into my lap and laid his head down on my lower abdomen in such a sad, bizarre way that even my husband (who has a naturally adversarial relationship with my

I miss DC, like, THIS much! I lived there 1996-2002, but I've been in the godforsaken hell that is North Carolina ever since. Someday, I will be liberated to drink good beer with intelligent people again!

Curse you DC-Baltimore Metro Area for hording all the chocolate peanut butter dark beer!

You're absolutely right. My knee-jerk reaction was to think about immediate needs, but my rational brain takes over then to think about what the long-term needs are and if I'd be able to provide for them, including medical treatment, cultural context, and full emotional support. It's a vast sea of considerations,

So, the price differential is based on supply and demand? And the demand is based on the complex decisions made by parents and adoption agencies? Hopefully, no one is boiling this down to just "our culture devalues black babies." I mean, if I wanted to adopt a child, my first instinct would be to try to adopt the

One of the "problems" I see in my adjacent Marketing department is an over-analysis of online social networks. These people tend to spend 40 hours a week obsessing over what Pinterest or Facebook might be used for, and some crazy ideas come out of the over-thinking.

I'm seriously considering turning that 'shop of Paula into my Kinja avatar.

As a professional market research person, I can definitely see how this idea evolved. Every survey/focus group I analyze these days shouts about social networking and online reviews as a crucial part of people's decision making process. The kicker is how to take advantage of that at point of sale.

Also, this:

So, what do you say under the following circumstance: You are a waiter in the main dinning room of XYZ Cruise Ship (which brand of ship is it, anyway? Celebrity? Carnival?), and it's your job to serve Paula Deen her warmed-over clam chowder every night. Do you spit in it off-set, or do you just glare at her and slosh

The coverage of the filibuster itself can't help but be positive. It's the coverage of the legislation I'm talking about. Any of the articles (CNN, NPR, etc) I've read that actually talked about SB5, the "sober reality" style articles torpedo any chance of the filibuster having any long term effect. And that's sad.

LOL @ liberal media. Sad, bitter LOL.