


LOVE this!

Being born into a patriarchy does complicate things, but are we any better than the status quo if we drag women away from the traditions they love and things they value against their current will?

People who don't understand feminism can't seem to grasp that it's about choice: the choice to wear what we want, do what we want for a living, marry who we want, even cede power to who we want.

Anyone else notice the similarity between the Turkish characterization of protests in Taksim Square as "terrorist" and the Texas GOP branding the protests here as "terrorist"?

I'm just sad that the mainstream media is pretty much coloring this as a futile effort of a small band of zealots who will be quickly overrun in the coming new special session or budget vote (where the governor will probably slip this legislation in again).

The ear wiggle... OMG the ear wiggle!

Ya, seriously, there are like 1.03 billion shares outstanding. His .0002% ownership entitles him to pull exactly zero bullshit at stockholder meetings.

My husband is SO not going to thank you for that suggestion.

Same question. How is this not prostitution, especially the "3 hours for $300" thing? No pretense of a relationship there.

No, you're totally right that it's probably pretty helpful. Just the idea of it as a baby's briefcase kind of cracked me up, though.

Or, god help me, the classic SPCA commercial? That bastard gets me every time!

Not to make light of serious OCD, but have you met many new moms?

Finally, served a bit of their own sauce! Thank you, Katie Stack, you are a hero!

It really seems like the word "racist" means something different to the Deens (and probably a lot of people), but please tell me this isn't going to devolve into a debate about the definition of the word "racist," just like oral sex isn't "sex." Paula Deen isn't that kind of racist, she's just a very limited,

Ah, so they are synonyms. Thank you for the clarification. And Virginia should totally go for an AOC designation. Maybe there could even be terroirs...

I'm not going to watch this, because my hormones are all kerflunky right now and I'd probably end up in a puddle on the floor, so I'll just say: Dogs are the fucking best.

I've always wondered (being a transplant to the South): Is Virginia ham a type of country ham, or a completely different species of ham altogether?

totally agree. *gag*