
Maybe this is the only OdlR item in her wardrobe, but that is one seriously unflattering jacket.


There appears to a number of women (not 50%, mind you) in the audience, but in a hearing, the audience doesn't count for shit. The fact that only one woman is at the table to testify, and only one woman is sitting among the committee, is just about disgraceful.

An idea who's time has come... The RapeStation 3000. Think of it like a mannequin with a reverse ATM-like feature.

I remember the first time I heard my father curse. I was 10, and he put his hand down on a wasp. The entire world (including me and my two rambunctious brothers) stood still in terrified awe.

Well, technically, there's no lapel to pin it on. That's a shrug and halter top made to artistically interpret a million americans voting, eating apple pie, and puking budweiser.

As much as I think she should have been able to wear the feather, she (or her parents) chose to go to a private school. That school can dictate what the students wear on a daily basis, or suspend/expel them for failing to comply. Why would graduation be any different?

My first thought was, this has to be a psychology experiment. Like, he's trying to rile up the internets with inflammatory statements and write up the results for a paper. Then I saw his subsequent tweets. Nope, just your regular run-of-the-mill jackass.

That is so cool! Now I wonder how that activity became a euphemism for gossip...

Orangy-red is horrible lip color for cool blondes. And for ignorant elitists.

And the cycle continues: get kitten, love kitten, want more kitten, more kitten is gotten, crazy cat lady is born

Now I'm super-curious... how does one compete in "scuttlebutt"?

The BBC appears to do a pretty good job of not making an issue of race when casting, I've noticed.

Personally I'll take my occasionally boorish and non-conversational but feminist and respectful spouse over the charming and witty but casually condescending and chauvinist characters Cary Grant and Jimmy Stuart played (I don't know what they were like IRL). I mean, have you seen Philadelphia Story or His Girl Friday?

I don't mind hearing Kitty again, but Puppy just makes me gag. It probably has more to do with the association to the guy than the name itself. I'm sure there are some perfectly lovely dudes called Puppy out there *cringe*

I once upon a time called an ex "puppy" and he called me "kitty." Makes me nauseous just thinking about it.

For all the fundy craziness here in the US, I'm so grateful for the relative rationalism of our laws (currently under threat, I know). This story just reminds of how lucky we are and how much we need to protect ourselves. I'm facing the possibility of a severe chromosomal anomaly in my pregnancy, and if I didn't have

Um, because Health Insurance? Stupid private system...

Aaaaand... now all I can think about is Miss Clavel in navy blue lingerie. Thanks for that.

I wonder if age is such a huge factor because of expectation vs. reality. In other words, do young people adhere more strictly to gender norms because their experience with sex tends to be more imaginary (based on expectations set by media/role models) than older people that have more experience in day-to-day sexual