
Seriously? This is him doing "better" with the photoshopping? *sigh*

SMS should totally be fined by the Justice Department for failing to provide adequate anonymous reporting mechanisms. Evil self-righteous corporate bastards. I hope just one of those jerks loses some sleep over this.

My $0.02: This would be way better as an animated film. Why put that poor dwarfism-suffering animal (who was not raised as a performer and wouldn't understand a movie set if it hit her upside the head) through take after take of "Ok, but can you look grumpier??"

To make a more compelling case (although still circumstantial), I'd like to see the sociologists compare length of service disruption/storm aftermath with birth rates. I'd say the longer people had to go without easy access to birth control, the more resulting births you'd have. After all, condoms have been around for

OhEmGee, I would drink the shit out of that, and fall asleep to fantasies of sinking boats and desert islands. Damn you, 90's Disney Channel!

Totally agree. No one philosophy is going to fit a person 100%. I like to synthesize my own from a number of sources. I'd say I learned self-sufficiency and individual achievement are not bad things, but discarded the notion that those things can fix all (any?) of the world's problems.

I don't know... If the vast majority of Tea Party adherents actually read Atlas Shrugged (not the cliff notes version), I'd be shocked.

Far down the list, I'm sure, but I'd like to contribute:

Totally agree. I absolutely don't agree with anything she stood for, but her books were riveting and expected the reader to keep up with her. I can't stand authors who spoon feed me plots and characters.

The final scenes from Clue always take my breath away (as in, panting along with him). He wins the Most Effort In a Undeserving Movie award.

That's kind of what I'm getting at. Her writing is good, and just because I don't agree with her politics doesn't mean I can't appreciate the talent. Lady Gaga = Brilliant PR/businesswoman, but I can't stand her music.

I'd say it depends. I can enjoy the story of The Fountainhead as piece of literature and as a story (I actually read it in high school, on my own, without any thought to the philosophy or politics and loved it), without becoming an Objectivist. Same way I can enjoy Jackson Pollack's work without thinking him a decent

Not going to argue, because everyone has preferences, but I'm genuinely interested in why you didn't like her writing. Reprehensible yes, but technically bad?

I did a juice diet for 5 days, just to see what the hype was about. The stuff that came out my other end just could not have been an indicator of a healthy person. Like, downright clear watery shite. HOW IS THAT HEALTHY?!?!

I'd like to add Ayn Rand to the list of good authors who have douchey fans. And I'd like to remove Philip Roth from the list of good authors, period. His stuff is just depressing pretension all over the place.

Because New York

Sorry, that other bully over there already took them. You can put ketchup in my hair if you want, though.

This really sucks, not just for the student, but for all of us women in STEM fields who want to see more young people like her come up in the ranks. Nothing's worse than feeling unsupported by the teachers or administration who were supposed to be advocates instead of mindless drones spouting arbitrary policies.

Not to be pedantic, but I think the issue is not bullying, but the legal ramifications of biologically male students playing on female teams, and vice versa. It could affect win/loss records and scholarships, for example.

"I'm not Anti-Semetic, I'm Pro-German!"