
Totally right. Just imagine selling a product made from a raw ingredient you were paid to use. Double profit. Like Underpants Gnomes.

Someone enterprising needs to come up with a new health craze to alleviate the issue: Lactic Acid, sweetener/nutritional suppliment/muscle builder/viagra of the future!

I think they don't want to keep it around long enough for it to evaporate, as any rain event or storm risks a catastrophic spill or leak. Evaporative pools are extremely prone to leakage (see hog lagoons, waste treatment facilities, and fraking in general as examples)

In response to the declase comment, two words:

I totally picture a group of female Neanderthals sitting around having this exact same debate. If they had the time and resources to breastfeed more, they probably did. If they had to spend most of the day out collecting fruits and nuts, they maybe weaned earlier (such as this one example). Seriously, what makes us

Seems to me, this is the clash of two high-maintenance titans. In this corner, expensive, exclusive prep schools that constantly set the bar higher than the next school to maintain their reputations/standing among other similar institutions. In that corner, fairly selfish parents who would rather make more money at

Considering the interwebz adherence to Rule 34, I'm positive disillusioning material concerning Doctor Who is easy for bright young minds to find. But that movie sounds fascinating, thanks for mentioning it. I'll need to go find it.

That is a great deal of pale wonderfulness, it's true. I will donate my Amazon fees as well to this great cause.

Aaaaaand, that will pay for one year of college. *sigh*

Maybe they have a Matt-wig? Or they could work in a plot line about a terrible fez-related accident?

I thought I heard (unfortunately, I don't remember where) that he'd agreed to do half of next season, through the Christmas special, but not after that.

Here's your bomb, idiots.