Mr. Q

My money is on a time-traveling Ronaldo.

That is the problem with the story of "Rose shattered Pink Diamond": there is nothing concrete to say who or what happened. It's all hearsay and questionable witnesses. We need more evidence in order to figure out who and with what that committed this crime.

That's why I'm dying to see White Diamond make her entrance. This is a major puzzle piece that needs to make it's appearance.

As I mentioned in a previous post, a Diamond might gain sympathy for their plight and maintain the social structure (gems have their place, fusion with different gems is a sin, etc) they have worked so hard for. Keeping a toxic mindset in place for so long would be a great reflection of what is going on within our

I'm not saying Yellow willingly had a hand in it. My theory is that White Diamond is possibly behind this due to Rose's actions or rumblings that would topple the social structure of Homeworld. I know you might not want that but I get the sense it is going that route. Even in a show like Steven Universe, where


I predict, once Steven and the Gems return to homeworld, Lars will be far more different than when we left him. A bit braver, a bit smarter, and together with a small army of homeworld gems who want a better life than what the Diamonds offer.

Are we sure about that? They kept saying that Pink Diamond was shattered by Rose's sword. However, Bismuth has told us in her debut episode that the sword cannot shatter gems. So even if Pearl had a hand in this, how could she carry out that task without something on the lines of the breaking point weapon?

Saying The Rock is one of Michael Bay's best movies is like saying that, out of all the cow pies on this table, this one looks the least disgusting. While I'll give it credit for being one of his better movies, it's only because many good elements (the cast for example) are trying so hard to fight against Bay's

The biggest sticking point for me in Room For Ruby, aside from Navy breaking my heart, was Lapis. We definitely saw her at the most vulnerable. She is still struggling with her depression and regrets. And seeing Navy enjoy everything only made her feel more broken than she was. I hope to see Lapis be healed, in body,

I actually enjoyed the episode. While its not the best SU episode, it has its moments (Pumpkin Pup, the family get together, Lapis being able to interact and laugh with the other gems, etc). I know a lot of people are not happy with Andy given this horrible year we've been through I don't blame the creators behind

Pink haired women: Pearl's Kryptonite.

*whew* For a moment there, I was wondering if I existed. ;P

I want more of Sardonyx Tonight. This is a TV show that needs to happen. It could be the next Space Ghost: Coast To Coast.

Was Jorge ever there? Did he even exist?

Hope it's to ask CN to come back to voice Sugilite again.

"Eye am an adult."

I figured Bones would be played by Pearl.

^_^ Thank you.

"She also explicitly remembers Rose Quartz’s “huge sword,” presumably from when she shattered Pink Diamond. But Bismuth took great care to point out that Rose’s sword couldn’t shatter Gems, which leaves two possibilities—either Rose just used a different sword (maybe the truly enormous one hanging in the Forge?), or