Mr. Q

That face Eyeball gave was all kinds of creepy. O_O That was a "I NEED AN ADULT" moment right there.

Oooh. That's gonna be a conversation that will be one part informative and two parts awkward.

Sorry. My bad.

TARDIS tech being used by the Gem Homeworld?

But is Eyeball a reliable witness? and I'm not saying that because of his one eye.

Hell of a reveal, but I'm still going to wait for more evidence on the whole "Rose shattered Pink Diamond" before I pass judgement. While the looks of Garnet and Pearl say something, we don't know the entire story yet. This is another puzzle piece being added to a massive picture. Also, this story is coming from one

So much to unpack with this two-parter.

I believe we will see Bismuth again in the near future. She's too good of a character to keep bubbled. Part of me can sympathize with her rage against the Diamonds. Their treatment towards other gems, including their own followers, is well documented. But that does not excuse her violent nature. Rose may have made the

Might be rough on everyone's feels if every half hour episode is like Bismuth.

I am dead certain Rose is not Pink Diamond. But I still believe that PD is Lion in a corrupt gem form.

I'll admit, I am longing to dig deeper into Dominator's personality to find out why she is like this. Hopefully, that will be covered in a future episode (finger's crossed). Still, from what we can gather from past episodes, we know she prefers to be by herself (ever notice there is no other living person on her

When UG said that, I didn't know how to feel about it. I was mixed between relief cause an episode this bat guano insane would make no sense and upset cause I so wanted this to be one of the points where all CN shows can cross over. The only two times its happened, on separate occasions, is when Ben 10 met Generator

I was one of the folks who was hesitant about the Steven Universe/Uncle Grandpa crossover. Partly because I'm not a big fan of UG and also because both shows are two completely different birds. But Say Uncle made a believer out of me. It reminded me of those one-off sillier episodes from Teen Titans like Bunny Raven,