As a bald woman your use of “hair trigger” triggers my triggers.
As a bald woman your use of “hair trigger” triggers my triggers.
You work there and think that’s how loans work?
Je suis subterranean mass grave beneath a French supermarket!
i'm gonna take a big risk on my vulnerability for this sns and i don't expect it to go well but i feel like i need to get it out.
Yeah, why was the black descriptor necessary?
the next black political superstar
North Korea is ready to declare war over a Seth Rogen movie.
Yes, counseling children has led to my opinion that many parents are fairly bad at their job, a job that many of them never wanted in the first place and were never actually qualified to do. For example, you don't know how to form complete sentences.
Welcome back! Every Wednesday, we do Midweek Madness, in which Callie Beusman heads to the newsstand and picks up…
At no point did Joan mock the kidnapping, rape, or torture. She was comparing her lavish living conditions to the squalid condition of Ariel Castro's house to make herself look like a spoiled, out-of-touch celebrity. That was the joke.
Finding the most inappropriate, horrible, and shocking thing to make a joke about has ALWAYS been Joan Rivers' shtick.
That's a nightmare not a dream, Busy.
In a timely announcement, the Writers Guild of America East is hoping that New York will include a tax incentive as part of their state budget for television shows that hire women and people of color for their writers' rooms. It's not a ton of money, but it's certainly an interesting strategy.
"haze of expletive free verse directed at the California state tax code" amazing.
You probably should have started this comment with "How's it going? I'm Bill, this is Ted. We're from the future..."
I think by "fucked up," you meant "magnificent."
Well, it looks like the stars really came out to shine last night in Tinseltown, for the premiere of 300: Rise of An Empire. Why I bet your bottom dollar, that the only ones luckier than those busy photographers snapping up one enchanting photograph after the other of such glamorous stars as Sullivan Stapleton and…