
I keep getting a message from this site to "convert" my account. Although I don't usually respond well to religious edicts issued by content aggregators, at least not since [] started up with all that heavy handed observe the Sabbath nonsense, but I've decided to go with Sufism for its trendy obscurity.

Uh yeah, I'm sorry but I believe racism was pretty much solved in 2003, when these three rascals "brought down the house."

Yikes, I imagine after whatever transpired that morning, the inside of that panda suit probably smells like a cross between the dumpster of a Vietnamese restaurant in Miami and Danny Aiello's armpit.

Overheard at Taco Bell:"Just dropped my sunglasses in the toilet. Thank god it was only number one, I just spent 150 bucks on these stupid things." I had no clue who this woman was, so I didn't say anything to her. But if I could do it all over again, I would have made my best squinty eyed Sam Elliot face and calmly

This bleached pussy seems to be doing just fine.

You know, without the umbrella hat I just don't get what women see in him.

You know, usually the RNC picks some milquetoast inoffensive dolt to do the Chairman grind, but this guy really is the sort of major league dildo that any sensible organization attempts to steer well clear of.

Carson Daly is like if you told me that a pair of cargo shorts that I purchased at the Old Navy in 1999, hosts a television program and is worth 15 million dollars.

Carson is like the Pat Boone of gay men. When did it become all about designing fashionable pantsuits for the bargain minded lady on the go, and not awesome man on man sucking and fucking. Why, Dale Earnhardt would be spinning in his grave, if he were able to witness what passes for gay these days.

Tony is all, " Hey, Baby Goo Goo or whatever i'm supposed to call you, let's get this pinched quick because I got a dinner appointment at 3 with none other than Mrs. Jacqueline Bisset. Gee Willikers, now there's a dame that gets my noodle stiff."

Well, I suppose this is as good a time as any to mention that something titled, "Hobo with a Shotgun" is streaming on Netflix.

Great he's dead and all, but take it down a notch tough guys. This is all starting to get a little too Bill Paxton in Weird Science for my taste.

"I don't care what you say young man, I was informed that The Lincoln Lawyer would be presented in three dimensions. Harumph!"

That "adult" master of ceremonies in the video seems to be in some sort of mania fueled by cocaine and the scent of virgin's blood. I hope CJ Fam's stage mother is sober enough to drive them back home, before that creep is able to invite them to the "after party party." Get out of there CJ, and never look back!

Jackie, Sylvester Stallone's mother.

Jackie Stallone?

It's all about eye contact and the verisimilitude of high self worth. Much like these gentlemen, though; the commenter below me seems like a mega-douche.

I would say that 'Blood and Semen' is my least favorite James Taylor album.

"Citizens of France, my plan to overhaul our crumbling public housing infrastructure will require a serious commitment from this great country of slip out of those panties."