Monkey With A Gun

@Dr Emilio Lizardo: You ever play at All we do is try and predict what movies are going to make. There are occasional misses, but we are frequently pretty close with our predictions. Currently Tron 2 is trading at H$158 which means the players there are predicting the movie will gross $158 million after

Just wait till all those robots unionize. They'll join the UARW, and then demand Robot insurance. Robot retirement. Robot vacations. The local UARW rep will be a hulking older obsolete robot who won't take no or 100101110 for an answer.

Now playing

I want to see the robot sign spinner fend off from rogue break dancing battlers.

@Angler: The F-14's were sold to the Shah before the terrorist revolution. After the Khomeni takeover, all Grumman contractors and spare parts were yanked from the country, and Iran was forced to mothball the planes. They haven't flown since 1980, and have the awesome distinction of being the only active F-14's in

Call me Chris Evert one more time!

Like Arken said, plasma is the fourth state matter can exist in (after liquid, solid, and gas). It may have liquid qualities, but plasma is a state all to itself.

@bitchyolympian: Let me clarify a point that I failed to do on the original post: My BS claim is not saying the girls are lying outright. Just elements of some of the stories. I AM IN NO WAY DEFENDING THESE DOUCHEBAG MEN. AND THEY APPEAR TO BE THE VERY DEFINITION OF DOUCHEBAG. So sorry if that is how I can

I'm an interloper, and have a penis. So that is two strikes against me right there. And I'm not here to bash girls. The reason I arrived here was that this post was linked from either Deadspin (I'm not a meathead) or Gizmodo. Ok, so with that out of the way, this is what I wanted to say:

In these parts, there's only one law we observe: Gravity.

@DustyButt: I'm gonna speak out of my ass for a bit....but typical Keyhole spy satellites, with optics and zoom and picture taking ability, I ignorantly believe, are usually only a couple of hundred miles up, and orbit the earth like every other object at that level. That's why in movies you see the feds saying

Years ago, I pulled over a semi on the highway (I'm a cop), walked up to the cab, and the driver was holding a printed sign that said "Cab is locked from the outside. Cannot open." He held up another sign that said "Please standby", these signs were on like a three ring set, all connected, like those appetizer menus

@DustyButt: geosynchronous orbit is approximately 28,000 miles away.

Without punctuation, I cannot tell what Vince Young is talking about. I will have to assume he means this:

Miss Ripi has had a thing for washed up rappers. As it were, she ended up marrying Vanilla Ice. After taking his real last name, she realized her name was now Lisa Ripi-Van Winkle, and decided to take a 20 year nap.

I have a connection with an NBA team in their GM's office. I was told years ago, Oden was brought in and checked out. I think he was still in high school, doesn't matter. Team doctors identified Oden as having one leg 1/2" longer than the other. Said he was "never" going to stay healthy. I don't know why they

This will look fantastic sitting next to my 1:1 Saturn V rocket.

His identical twin brother is NOT happy about this. Plans on riding around on his undersized bike to make his point.