Monkey With A Gun

I shorted this stock on my HSX account last week, so not to be a dirtbag or anything, but I hope it tanks in the theaters.

Why even have three different consoles anymore when they are all starting to offer THE EXACT SAME THING? I am glad the PS3 is stepping up it's online service, but the difference between consoles is becoming very blurry. Except for 1st party software and console exclusives, I can't really see much of a difference.

@blehbleh13: This is mainly for party/group games. It's going to cost more unless you are going to be playing alone.

The Russian billionaires are going to be all over this thing.

@soto: It's funny that you mention shoving things in one's ass. Obviously you speak from experience. Goto to discuss The World Cup. Here? It's all vuvuzela all the time.

@soto: It's funny that you mention shoving things in one's ass. Obviously you speak from experience. Goto to discuss The World Cup. Here? It's all vuvuzela all the time.

It doesn't quite roll off the tongue like "I've got the whole world in my hands."

Who's hungry?

@DARSFOG: The Chief of BluffCity claims the speed cameras have reduced accidents. He claims before the cameras were installed, they had 10-12 accidents a month on that road. After they were installed, only 2 accidents in 3 months. IF these stats are accurate, it is hard to argue against having speed cameras.

Everyone's a critic

This ALMOST makes Soccer watchable. Who am I kidding? Soccer blows.

the shoe tip is a bit misleading. the silica packets need to be in a confined space in order to work effectively, which is why they are placed in closed pill containers or taped up shipping boxes. just placing them in the toes of your shoes wouldn't work very effectively. put the shoes in their shoe box, makes sure

As a police officer, I salivate at seeing this driven. It is so illegal, it's not even funny.

"for example, I'd rather be watching Double D Girls of NKU than teaching something or other..."

And boom goes the dynamite.

And then everyone in the room said "Amen."

The sad thing is that this dog wasn't even in the competition.

I was promised a cameo by Castro!! This is bullshit!

Hello swear jar!