Monkey With A Gun

I drink up all the Hennessey you

If this is carved from one piece of solid redwood, then I tip my hat to the company that makes this. I thought redwoods were listed as being protected, but I guess not. If I had an extra $1k lying around, I'd pick it up. And I am in no way a Gundam fan.

Did you notice how there were like 12 girls "moshing" at the beginning, including the two Big Mamas. Each time the Big Mamas continued to collide with one another, one of the lesser girls would get swallowed into their folds, until, at the end, only two were standing.

Will someone please think of the disgusting sickly hairless big-eared mice?!?!

I got me the Max Plus, for the pr0ns.

U - S - A!!!!

Why is he wearing camoflage?

I wanted to punch that annoying chick talking in the face. Not because of her non-stop dumb-bitch tirade. But because she is from Jacksonville.

I can't believe what they can do with CG animation these days. I actually believed those people were smiling as they were putting their Neckies on. And the little girl! Completely authentic looking. You could barely see the tears streaks running down her cheeks.

1st party games. This will royally piss off the 3rd party developers.

What are they supposed to do with their tentacles. Daintily cross them, and keep them out of people's way?

"Your mouse just raped my mouse."

If your ringer plays "Hail to the Chief" then you can take your phone into the Oval Office.

Well, unfortunately, that is what it looks like when I goto the bathroom.

@mfdoom: Who do you think she is? Bob Knight???

Why didn't he at least take the bottom half of the costume off before attempting intercourse?!?

But what about the crew's credit cards??? Won't someone please think of the credit cards????

If by using you mean "pissing", then yea, he's using the atm.