I worked at Subway for about a decade, and have had my fair share of awful and excellent customers.
Sam Lutfi scream "Kitten programming-handler-MKUltra-Illuminati" to me.
Still, thinking I might have something to learn about proper nonfiction scholarship, I picked up Yardley's biography of the writer Frederick Exley—and was shocked to discover that because he wanted to write "a story instead of a study" (emphasis his), he provided not one endnote, which he dismissed as "clutter."…
I could not have enjoyed her polite evisceration of this reviewer any more.
Wow, that letter is pure poetry. What a great way to handle a sexist asshole who reviews books based on the gender of the author and not the content of the books themselves.
"Women get deluded into thinking that a bad man is better than no man and a bad marriage is better than being single."
It's all that. But I don't think it's just all that.
It's funny, because I could say the same thing about men. Most of the men I've come across are looking for the 'hot, crazy, good in the sack' woman and completely ignore the women who are decent. They'll gladly continue dating the woman who spraypainted their car or broke into their house because she's 'hot and…
I worked with a woman who had another good solution to the "I'm hungry! I haven't eaten all day!" complaint from her newly retired husband. She said, "I'll make you something," which turned out to be a map to the kitchen.
Fuck him and his mom. Really.
Mine did similar, except she and his dad wanted me to take out the guy's psych garbage, too, and enable him and play nursemaid. I boxed him up and returned him.
1. Yes
I was a small child in Myanmar during China's Cultural Revolution, when Mao did all he could to destroy the Mosuo; some of them escaped across the border to our village. Now the Han Chinese are trying to destroy the Mosuo in a different way, by encouraging sex tourism to their villages, and advertising the Mosuo women…
To the tune of Evita's theme song:
Don't cry for me, mayamaya,
You were supposed to have made some comments
About the Mosuo
But you lacked facts so
You had a tantrum
With so much butthurt
You had tantrum.....
I would punch a baby straight in the mouth for her hair. I mean, I'd prefer to find a baby that really had it coming, but it's not a requirement.
Where are they coming up with this 50,000,000 figure? Did they read my diary?