New team name: The Mump-ets.
New team name: The Mump-ets.
The game against the Nets reminded me of '10.
God, I hate this team.
He's become a pretentious version of Michael Bay.
They convey a lot of things, such as a protest of a rigged system based on white privilege, as well as a message that black lives matter.
Did he give the obligatory thumbs up to indicate to the crowd that he's okay?
Lebron protested white privilege with his "I can't breath" shirt and then schmoozed with the most privileged whites in the Western World.
The Smithsonian Channel is what the History Channel, Discovery Channel and NatGeo should be.
Ah Chinese Stealth Armor. We had some good times together.
The Sand Snakes are alright. They really don't do much in the books so hopefully the show gives them more of a platform.
You have a sports logo tattoo. You are the worst sort of people.
Yes, and I somehow got the staff to approve me.
And what future does your shit team have?
I once told my brother before this young man was shot that Missouri does not like black people. He, being a proud white 14 year resident of St. Louis, told me I was stupid because his city is home to so many black folks.
Fuck, he wants to say more then that.
This is Rich. He is a lightning Rod for criticism.
Is this real life?
"He promises to never try and jump over a moving car again."
As far as sub .500 teams go, the Rams will put a good hurt on you. Too bad they don't have an offense.