
One of my favorite epic movies is Kingdom of Heaven because the directors cut is like Brave Heart revisited. However, because of terrible studio fueled editing we do not get the full artistic breath for a lot films.

And then the bobble head shot another bobble head six times.

That's exactly what I thought.

Lol, after reading my second post, I now realize I should have done a better job of self review after I meddled with what I originally typed.

As far as dumb baseball contracts go, this is on the Cleveland Browns level of stupidity.

Wikipedia has the budget at $178 million. Does marketing and distribution cost soo much that it surpasses a $364 million dollar box office? It isn't a bomb. Not a blockbuster but not a bomb.


Three pointers three pointers three pointers!

I thought this was going to be a description of a Lance Armstrong sex tape.

Off Topic: Saw that io9 was quoted in my Chicago Trib today. That was cool to see.

Why not give the ball to the kid and then throw the KID onto the field? Isn't that what we are all getting at here?

Stars fuel my existence so that doesn't count.

Joking aside. This is what I hate about our viral internet culture. Do some shit to get some reaction on whatever social network website and think your actually doing a helpful thing. Twitter activist is now in our lexicon.

I wonder if there was a challenge to step on dog shit barefoot or donate $100 dollars if we would have the same result.

Though I did ask what their favorite instance of police abuse of power was to which Greg Howard replied, "....favorite?"

It was an off day.

Roger Ebert agrees.


What's the best way to scratch an itch that happens to be located in your butthole?

Congo. Killer gorillas and a laser gun that cuts them in half. What more could I want?