
Queue up pedantic know it all commenters on this article.”

RIP Rocksteady. Cause of death AT&T+Zazloff+other idiots who don’t know how to run a game division.

There are things an animator’s pen can do that digital effects simply can’t.

Pig does right thing

Discount Guardians of the Galaxy is probably the best way to describe this. I know that it can be hard to translate video game characters into live action roles but damn, it’s like they didn’t even try to cast these roles accurately

Maybe now we can say that Meritocracy is the biggest lie of humanty...

At this point I assume these movies must be some sort of producers level money grab.   Or whatever licensing agreement Sony has with Marvel requires releases constantly and they are just forced to put any script they have into production.

That was a lot of noise about not a lot.

That’s a lot of wasted words just to tell everyone you’re a cunt.

That would imply that there were any ideals involved in the first place. But bigotry and intolerance aren’t ideals. They’re flaws. Gross, inexcusable, willful flaws. Because even though a person can happen into having these flaws as matter of upbringing, *keeping* them is a choice. It’s a choice to remain bigoted, to

Don’t forget that it gives her the opportunity to play the victim. Conservatives love their fake victimhood. It makes them feel special, like they’re fighting against injustice.

Exactly, the US is one of the only democracies that protects hate speech, with predictable results.

I’m completely in support of this move; watching Musk find fresh, dumb ways to burn money is a newfound hobby of mine.

It always amazes me how people like this can live so long while being so goddamn stupid.  

...usually its only when the koolaid comes out with the plastic Dixie cups that suddenly some of them snap to their senses.

Growing up I would have never thought America would fall to a stupid dictator. I was wrong. 

Those aren’t fans, they’re just potentially criminal assholes. 

Guaranteed the same people who do this shit are the same ones that support Trump. 

This is why I’d rather drink a bucket of bleach than ever identify myself as a “gamer”. The bulk of “gamers” I encounter online are reprehensible human garbage and I refuse to accept I am even the same species as these defective degenerates. I play games.. I am sure as HELL am no “gamer” though, not if it means being