
Nah, it was when Dubya DIDN'T choke on that pretzel

I feel your anger. And I completely agree.

None of these stupid fuckers would last even ONE DAY in any of the countries these people are fleeing.

In fact it would be interesting and curious to see what would happen if instead of waking up in their bucolic rural communities that instead they woke up in a drug lord controlled country where on a daily basis they

Republicans are now true Watch-me-wipe-my-ass-with-the-Constitution monsters. All in service to that pathologically lying would-be dictator, Donald The Criminal. Effing hell...America has come to this.

Elon Musk has entered the chat

I’m shocked - shocked! - that a questionable company on a dubiously funded spending binge justified by the CEO’s eventually failed financial gamble has once again resulted in a challenging but potentially risky project being cancelled! No one could have seen this coming.

Kylie, gotta give you props for the Trump header photo choice. He looks like someone just ran up and punched him in the balls he should.

Fuck around and find out. That’s an expensive temper tantrum.

The GOP, maybe. His base already blew all their savings paying for his legal fees and that chandelier over the toilet at Mar-a-Lago.

83mil?! Lol...

Love it. Although, the hands seem a tad too large.

Yes, some of us must live with Tim Scott and Candace Owens being “one of us.” Fortunately, we can comfort ourselves with the saying “all skinfolk aren’t kinfolk!”

Oh I get that it’s effectively the same—I just happen to feel personally affronted and ashamed when I see a fellow Cuban-American millennial pull this shit. When I found out Enrique Tarrio is Afro-Cuban, I about died inside. I was so embarrassed I thought “is this what it would feel like to shit my pants in front of a

Had to hold my breath while I looked her up. I saw the Hispanic name and that she’s a Florida congresswoman, and I immediately braced myself for the overwhelming shame of discovering yet another Cuban-American who got into politics to carry water for white supremacists and Christian nationalists. Fortunately for me,

If what they really want is a ceasefire in Gaza, they’re not likely to get it from a Trump White House. They’re overwhelmingly more likely to get an escalation and broadening of the conflict. Recall when Trump relocated the US embassy to Jerusalem? These are not the actions of a man who wants to deescalate anything.

you can pat yourself on the back and feel like a good citizen when Trump gets in then lol

Israel also has a known and admitted history of performing forced contraception, based on ethnicity. Their record on reproduction issues is not as sterling as you may think it is.

Yeah, like babes Trump would be way worse for Gaza he would be cheering as they put settlements back in. Like why don’t you interrupt some Republican stuff too, they’re half the vote in Congress

A vote for any candidate other than Biden is a vote for Trump. Not voting is a vote for Trump. me strength......body....changing....YEAARRRRRRGH!!