
That is how you can tell it was American made. It was late, and achieved pretty much nothin.

The seeds of war bear fruit long after....

If it hasn’t blown up after 75 years, it’ll never bl.....

It can be a reoccurring bit on SNL, à la “Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead”

Don’t insult stupid motherfuckers like that. He’s somehow worse.

“Trump has died” will be the most beautiful sentance I will ever here. Its amazing how that fat orange tub of shit hasn’t had a massive coronary yet.

He’s one stupid mother fucker.  

Really slowly

That would only happen is he was any other shade than saltine

And he’d have made it too, if it weren’t for the added weight of his double double.

I’m amused that this happened in a Tim Horton's, wanna bet at least one of those cop cars was already in the parking lot for coffee and Tim Bits. 

To be fair to these guys, those Jeeps & other trucks also drive around w/ empty jerry cans while running errands to Target, Kohls & Chikfila.

That's about what I was thinking. I can't afford a Cyberstuck but if I could, and STILL had F.U. money... Uh, no. I still wouldn't. Tesla doesn't need any more free advertising to push rich-prick vehicles of questionable quality and engineering.

It is painfully obvious that Tesla cut some corners when it came to developing and testing this truck. Who wants to bet that Tesla themselves never took a Cybertruck north of the US border for any kind of cold weather testing? The thought of some Tesla engineers hypothetically following this dude’s Twitter account

Well considering there don’t appear to be any EV charging locations between Fairbanks and Prudhoe Bay, which is 350+ miles as the crow flies, I suspect the odds are HIGH, like Snoop Dogg high

It certainly looks like Bearded Tesla is going into this with his eyes wide open in a modified Cybertruck.

“Bearded Tesla” has to be the cringiest YouTube handle I’ve ever heard. People that make having a beard or owning a Tesla their entire personality are bad enough, but this guy is double-dipping in it. You have a beard AND a Telsa???? OMGballz so unique!

Sounds like a great to say “look at me, I have a lot of money to burn, but don’t have to work for it”.

Luckily for us most criminals aren’t so clever.

Dude could have played the stock market, made out with millions, stopped collecting unemployment and bowed out